View Full Version : Sealant

04-06-2009, 01:09 AM
Do you use sealant before or after wax?
Also, how do you completely strip wax off?
How do you use a paste wax?
What wax would you recommend?
And finally, what sealant do you recommend?

Sorry for the kinda noobish questions, but i am new to this.
Thanks for your help!

04-06-2009, 02:21 AM
Sealants are applied before waxing, normally a "cure" time of about 12 hours is recommended prior to applying another coat or your wax of choice.

Waxes normally last about 3-6 months depending upon conditions the vehicle is in. Any good paintwork conditioner or soap should do well. Moreover, claying and polishing normally remove any older waxes.

Paste wax should be applied in thin coats. (and that is key, THIN coat(s) Use of a foam applicator pad is recommended by many.

You cannot go wrong with Fuzion, I personally like the Natty's Blue for darker vehicles.

Wolfgang's PS 3.0 seems to be all the rage lately.

Hope that helps, you'll get a ton of info here.

04-06-2009, 10:11 AM
Thanks for all that, it really helped.