View Full Version : What should I use?

03-31-2009, 06:55 PM
The wheels on me lincoln are chrome but for some reason on the insides of them they are beginning to peel ( i guess its just chrome plated) and are starting to corode. Is there something that I could put on them to stop this and prevent it from further damage? They are already rusting a little. Please Help!

03-31-2009, 08:03 PM
Is it the chromed area peeling or does you wheel has a dull plated area that is peeling?

03-31-2009, 09:11 PM
Once chrome starts to peel it keeps peeling. You could slow down the process buy using some thing like this

Wheel Wax (http://www.autogeek.net/wheelwax.html).

Metal needs oxygen to corrode. Clean it, seal it, pray.

This is because these wheels are rotating very fast and eventually the volume of air that is traveling over the defect is going to cause the plating to separate from the alloy wheels. Try not to go threw puddles fast(I have personally done this and saw the effects on wheels as you have described). Water is a lot more dense then air.

My family has been the car business since I was a curtain climber. I have seen it all.

04-01-2009, 06:15 PM
P21S for cleaning, and Poorboys or DP Wheel Glaze for protecting. At some point you will likely repair or replace, but dont use acid based cleaners which will show the rust and likely speed damage.

04-01-2009, 06:37 PM
Thanx for the replys guys. I cleaned them today and threw on some DG 501. Hopefully this will leave some protection. The part of the wheels you can see is fine its just the insides that are starting to peel. But Im going to have to get some new ones anyway, I went to get them rotated and balanced today and came to find out that ALL 4 of my wheels are warped!!! Now I know I am the 2nd owner of this car and the 1st one was from MI. so i know its been in some bad weather, but Geez!!! i wouldnt think that an 05 lincoln would have warped wheels already! I think Lincoln used some cheep materials on these.