View Full Version : Clear coat Question after buffing?

03-30-2009, 02:37 AM
I know that the clear is softer under the top layer. So my question is when you buff that layer off does the outside layer then take time to harden? I noticed that newly polished factory paint scratches easy. I know that other body repair clears don't do this. I did a brand new hyundai tiburon that still baffles me. The paint was easy to scratch to begin with, then I polished the scratches out and it still did the same thing. Anyone know whats going on? My friend who paints doesn't know the answer either.

03-30-2009, 06:08 AM
Not all Clearcoat finishes are softer under the top layer. That is a myth and almost 100% are not softer if they were shot at the factory.

03-30-2009, 09:42 AM
Not all Clearcoat finishes are softer under the top layer. That is a myth and almost 100% are not softer if they were shot at the factory.

The only time the clear would be "softer" underneath, is if the paint system was not baked in a booth. This is because the solvents flash or evaporate from the top down. A factory applied paint system is applied in the best possible environment and is already rock hard "or as hard as it'll get", when it rolls out of the paint shop at the factory.

03-30-2009, 09:49 AM
Does it scratch when you wipe it? If it does, it could be the towels you use to wipe it.


03-31-2009, 10:29 AM
I am using microfiber towels from auto geek. Its not from the towels. I notice it takes a lot more to scratch the paint before fixing the paint than after. On both paints they were black and also heavy scratch removal was done. I did not go through the clear. Has anyone else noticed this. I used meg's 105 and menzerna super intensive and nano followed with a wax. The wax was different on both applications so I figured that wasn't the problem. Any help or insight would be helpfull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!By the way where's all the guy's with there 3000 posts at for this one!!!!!!

03-31-2009, 11:18 AM
If you are getting scratches, then you need to revisit your techniques every time you touch the paint (applying any product to paint, washing, and drying).