View Full Version : Repainted Bumper

03-27-2009, 07:02 PM
Basically, 2 weeks ago I hit a hubcap as it flew down the road from a car going the other direction. Put the car in the shop to get the lower grill replaced and bumper fixed.

Now I know I need to wait 45 days before waxing.

But i noticed, that while they resprayed it, the rock chips were just painted over. Is this normal for a body shop? Is it because the bumper is plastic? Should I be concerned about it?

Before I call and ask the shop I want to have enough info first.

PS: Now, I need to repolish my car a bit as I forgot to tell them not to wash it and I noticed they put a few swirls in it, but such is life right?

03-27-2009, 07:07 PM
The rosk chips should not be present, it is very poor prep work on their part.

03-27-2009, 07:13 PM
I just got my girlfriends bumper done. It look like crap also. The chips on yours should be gone. I blame myself for not inspecting it up and down right away.

03-27-2009, 08:12 PM
If it was a insurance job, they'll say only the damage from the hubcap
was to be repaired. Also check with your insurance, some tell you where to go have it repaired, if so tell them you are unhappy with the work. If it came from your pocket, I would ask why it wasn't sanded, preped, resprayed correct.

03-28-2009, 09:15 AM
It was insurance work, and I did use a shop on the insurance list. The shop was nice in terms of personality, and a pretty large shop. However, in my mind if you include repainting the whole bumper, the whole bumper should be repainted properly. I will give them a call Monday and ask about it. I don't want to be angry at first, as that will get nothing done.


03-28-2009, 10:28 AM
I had to have 90% of my 2 month old car re-painted due to an accident I wasn't directly involved in. Basically, all the glass from the cars that collided, destroyed my NEW car. Paint chips like you wouldn't believe. This was in November. Now the weather is nice and I can detail it, I have noticed too that the majority of the chips were just cleared over. I AM FURRIOUS! Not to mention major overspray on everything from the glass to my $3,000 rims! There's masking tape residue in all of the door jams, the upholstery is coated in what I am hoping os sanding dust and not paint. I am at a complete loss. This was at a direct repair facility. What a joke.

03-28-2009, 02:03 PM
08xB, that's a shame. I would be POed myself. I recall your post on that. Couldn't have happened before it was repainted. Most places use 3M liquid mask. It all washes right off. There's no excuse for overspray on everything, let alone dusty interior. It's not like the price was cheaper because of the mess and faulty work.
calhoun1, unless you paid extra out of your pocket, your insurance will not pay for the work. They'll tell you it was there before hand, they only cover the accident. The chips are normal wear and tear.

03-28-2009, 02:23 PM
That is actually what my dad told me this morning Craig. I will call the insurance and double check, but that is what it sounds like.

The insurance covers the damage, but otherwise, the shop will just spray over the other stuff to blend it. And that doesn't include a complete prep to get rid of all the chips etc. But I will call Monday and see what the insurance company says.

03-28-2009, 02:51 PM
I know it's bad news, that's just the way it is. Extra work not from the accident. They had to sand and paint anyway, just a little extra sanding
to get the chips out. If you had known before hand you could have asked how much extra to feather out the chips.

03-29-2009, 09:39 AM
And I just saw the car in the sun for the first time, and they swirled the hell out of the car when they washed it.

And I think I see a couple of holograms/buffer trails on the bumper where they buffed it. I don't have a halogen to check it, but it looks like I have a day of correcting ahead of me thanks to the body shop.