View Full Version : Changed my order from PC to Rotary (newbee).

03-26-2009, 09:49 PM
I just changed my order from a pc to a rotary. I will be doing a detail on my 08 tunrda, forest green. I clayed it the other day, when I get the rotary I plan to polish, seal & wax, with ##'s pro polish, factory seal & butter wet wax.
I will probally seal & wax by hand, but polish with my new machine. I have been searching and looking at all the videos I can find, but it seems that I just have to do it and find out. I know I'm new, but not scared to just learn with the rotary. I used a rotary a long, long time ago when I was buying and selling cars with my dad. I did an old red mustang the paint was very dull, and i managed to get the red shining like it was brand new, never really looked for swirls or spider webs, I thought I did a good job form what the car used to look like.
But this time I'm not playing with an old car that any and old polish would make it look 100 times better. So I'll describe what condition my truck is in:
I would say in has very light swirls and spider webs in the paint, probally from washing at the pressure washer with their foam brush; not on all of the truck but a few spots on the hood and here & there. I know to start with the least agressive approach first. These are the pads I have Lake Country orange,white,black & blue 6.5" I forgot to mention I have the ##'s swirl remover also.

Now some ?'s. Where to start swirl remover or pro polish? what pads?
also if you only have swirls and spider webing in a few spots, will the polish in the non- swirled sections bring my paint to the glossy killer shine I'm looking for. So basically correct me if I'm wrong once you start the bad areas, I have to do the entire truck ( that is my plan) but will hurt it? So will polishing make my truck look better even if sections dont have damange?????? Aslo still a bit confused about polishing edges, if i get to the edge I tilt the rotaty twords the edge so the cicular motion dosen't burn the edge say an inch behind the very edge.
If some pro's can chime in and help me a bit that would be great.
I will do my girlfriends white corolla first but her pant is dull like the mustang I did, well not the bad but an older paint job. Did I make the right choice going rotary.

03-26-2009, 10:27 PM
Befor you get to all those steps, remember prep is everything, so start
with a solid Tornador wash.

03-26-2009, 10:58 PM
Everything will be properly preped.
Can Anyone answer some of my ?'s
It might be late for the folks on the east coast.

03-26-2009, 11:02 PM

03-26-2009, 11:28 PM
Well.. Here's my take. If you haven't used a rotary before... Just be careful. I see people talking about buring through paint. The only way to do this is to keep the rotary in one spot, or on a raised body line. As far as edges, you want the pad tilted with the rotation of the pad going off the edge. I am not saying you'll burn it your first time, more likely to hologram and cause micromarring though. I would recommend practicing first on a junker though so you can get your technique down. I have used a rotary since I was 16 or 17. I personally still prefer the Flex XC 3401. Dunno why.... just do.

03-27-2009, 10:44 AM
I was in the same boat as you last year. I owned a UDM and really wasn't sure I wanted a rotary. A friends race car has some bad swirling and RIDS but it was aftermarket clear that was really hard. After a couple of afternoons trying to correct with compound and UDM my friend said what would actually correct this paint. Well I said a rotary and he ordered it that day. He said have at it . Well it did a pretty good job for a newbie and it was way easier on my arms and lower back. No crazy vibrations as you use it. I went to leave his shop and he handed me the Makita bag and said why are you leaving this here...its yours now. He just said I have to polish the race car when it needs it. Now to your questions, I own a black 06 Rav4 that my wife drives. I would avoid wool and stay with the foam unless the finish is real bad. Doubt that with an 08. I like the Edge system but hard to find real small pads. Do a test area first with whatever pad and product you want to use to see if the results are what you want before doing the whole truck. Tape off any trim and emblems and don't dwell along any paint edges and you should be OK. With a fairly good finish to start with you ahouldn't end up with one super shiny little area that has been polished that means you have to do the whole truck. I have done my Rav4 in sections over a few days and it wasn't noticeable unless you got out the halogens and went looking for swirls.

Good luck and just go slow, Pat.

03-27-2009, 11:47 AM
I used my rotary on my vette very first car i really did.Go slow ,Tape up edges,keep the buffer moving,Buy the Kompressor pads,Start with the least aggresive pad first ,Try black and if you have to move up too the white.Don't let anyone distract you while your working the buffer.

03-27-2009, 11:51 AM
get insurance before you touch someones car with that rotary.

03-27-2009, 12:05 PM
A guy came by with his AMG Mercedes and showed me what had happened when someone he took it to used a rotary. He asked if there was something I could do. I said yes, give me the keys and I'll drive it to the paint shop for you.

03-27-2009, 04:18 PM
A guy came by with his AMG Mercedes and showed me what had happened when someone he took it to used a rotary. He asked if there was something I could do. I said yes, give me the keys and I'll drive it to the paint shop for you.

WOW, I wonder why guys are scared of rotary with horror stories like that one. I am sorry but with some common sense and taking it slow like HarleyGuy mentions I don't see a huge risk in using a rotary. Just start slow and use mild products and work your way up as you get better.


03-27-2009, 05:21 PM
I used my rotary on my vette very first car i really did.Go slow ,Tape up edges,keep the buffer moving,Buy the Kompressor pads,Start with the least aggresive pad first ,Try black and if you have to move up too the white.Don't let anyone distract you while your working the buffer.

I saw your work and it was phenomenal for a one time user. It seems to be able concentration on task at hand and I am not sure I am there yet without practicing on something I can learn the limits but I am now at least optimistic from what you did and watching the demo at DF.