View Full Version : PB SSS concentration

03-10-2009, 08:07 AM
For those using PB's SSS, how much PB SSS do you use with a gallon of water. The label says 1 oz for 2 gallons but I find it a bit strong after my second use. I am thinking 1 oz for 3 gallons would likely be enough. It seems to have high lubricity and more than enough suds.

I have soft water so I have too much suds and it does not seem to rinse as cleanly like some other soaps I have used and if I miss a spot it tends to spot so I just think I am using too much.

03-10-2009, 09:22 AM
if you find 1 oz per 2 gallons strong, dillute it 1 oz to 3 gallons. I use 1 oz per 2 gallons and like it. It's stong, but not too strong, just strong enough to remove 2 weeks worth of grime (I don't wash weekly anymore).