View Full Version : Menzerna 85rd...what am I doing wrong?

02-27-2009, 03:32 PM
I checked the forums but couldn't find anything that addressed this issue.

This is the very first time I'm buffing my car (white honda) using a pc7424. I just finished using the 106fa with a white pad, no prob. But for that extra bit of shine I'm using the 85rd with a blue pad. The problem, after 3-5 mins when I try to wipe it off with a MF cloth, it won't come off unless I really rub hard. If I use my finger it takes it right off. Also sometimes it leaves like purple stains on the car that won't wipe off either. If I use ipa it takes it right off and looks good but I shouldn't have to do that, right?

If I stop early and it's still somewhat wet it comes off but I thought it had to flash first and the finish doesn't look as good.

One other thing, on avg, how many pads should I use on a car for each compound? I only used 1 pad for each compound (so far) on my car. I ask because I'm thinking the pad might get gunked up and maybe I should switch to a clean one. Like using multiple MF cloths to wipe down a car.

Thanks for any advice!

02-27-2009, 03:41 PM
You are using too much product. PO85RD doesn't hardly require much polish at all to work it's magic.

I have never had a problem removing it. If you don't cake it on, it should be really easy to remove.

02-27-2009, 03:49 PM
Oh wow, thanks! I was doing just the opposite. I thought I wasn't using enough product and so was using more. I'll try your advice now and let you know how it turns out!

Thanks again!

02-27-2009, 03:51 PM
Never had any issues removing 85rd before either...were you working in the sun?

I like to have a good 4 pads per product when doing the initial steps on a car with a PC/G110. The pads do get loaded up and become less effective. On the final steps I can usually get away with just 2 pads.

02-27-2009, 05:33 PM
I just use one pad per car per product, but I do wash/clean after each panel and spin dry on my rotary.

Also with 85RD you need only about 3 pea sized drops per panel. It's awesome stuff!

02-27-2009, 07:41 PM
You are using too much product, and when it turns the purple color the pad is skipping probably and the pad is clogged up.You are going to need atleast 3 pads to polish a car with and bacl off the amount of product you are using.

02-27-2009, 09:21 PM
Hey guys, thanks for all the input. I was polishing the car in the garage. Even when I cut the amount down I was still using more than 3 pea size plus I definitely think the pad was loaded up with too much product. But it did work a little better when I cut the amount down.

I guess I just wasted the 85rd by using too much and had to work that much harder to take it off but for my first job, overall, it turned out pretty good.

I guess I'll be buying more pads. It's been a good learning experience.

Thanks again for all the help!