View Full Version : Claying process...quick question

02-25-2009, 07:34 PM
Have seen various tips on claying. One says to wash, dry, clay, and then wash/dry again. Another says wash, "don't" dry, clay using the water and also a clay lubricant, wash again and dry. ANd the last says wash, dry, clay then go directly on to the cleaner. The last one sounds like the best way to me. Any expert advice on the best combo when claying. I am just looking for the best way to do this. Sorry for so many questions. Very new to this and want to do this perfect as I plan on possibly doing this as a side job as well. Thanks again. This site has been a huge help and taught me about 90% of what I know in car detailing. Thanks

Shine on
02-25-2009, 07:44 PM
When claying I like to first wash the entire vehicle, do not dry it, then use a mild soapy solution as the lubricant and rinse as necessary. Sometimes I may go over a panel one to three times depending upon the amount of surface fallout. Soapy water may break down the clay a bit sooner than if you used a dedicated lubricant so I use a small amount of clay and change it often.

02-25-2009, 07:45 PM
I'm not sure if there is a "best" way to do it. I think it's mostly what you find the most convenient and easy. I will wash and rinse the car, and not dry it, then just spray my QD to clay. I find this is the easiest way for me to do it.

02-25-2009, 08:06 PM
Then would you wash car again after the clay? I deffinately would not want to have to dry car twice. Just wasn't sure if claying on a vehicle that had just been rinsed was a good idea. I want to do this right but at the same time not waste valuable time doing a step twice. I think the best way for me would be to wash, dry, clay and then move on to my pre cleaner and then LSP. Or is it neccessary to wash after claying? Would think the pre cleaner would clean off anything left by the claying process if anything would even be left anyway. Thanks

02-25-2009, 08:12 PM
You don't have to wash after claying. After you clay a spot, just wipe that section off with a microfiber towel and move on to the next section. You won't have to worry about marring because you will be drying off a section that is already moist from your clay lube so you won't drag a towel over a dry section. After you've done the whole car, you have it nice and dry and you can move on to polishing.

02-25-2009, 08:34 PM
You don't have to wash after claying. After you clay a spot, just wipe that section off with a microfiber towel and move on to the next section. You won't have to worry about marring because you will be drying off a section that is already moist from your clay lube so you won't drag a towel over a dry section. After you've done the whole car, you have it nice and dry and you can move on to polishing.


02-25-2009, 08:40 PM
I use ONR for almost all my washes so I wash and dry, then after the entire car is done I clay using ONR as lube, once a panel is complete I spray with ONR and wipe dry.