View Full Version : Bad Paint Job-help Needed

02-24-2009, 11:22 AM
Hi guys.I am going to do an Audi S5 tomorrow with a serious damage on the one side..It had been repainted and there are scratches under the paint.Is there any chance to do something to save it??

Here are the best pictures i took





Thanks guys...

Larry A
02-24-2009, 12:04 PM
Wet sand with 2000 wet or dry paper , Megs 105 then Megs 205. It will be a lot of work.

02-24-2009, 12:23 PM
Wet sand with 2000 wet or dry paper , Megs 105 then Megs 205. It will be a lot of work.
Are they going to be removed??they are under the paint....

02-24-2009, 12:35 PM
It looks to me like there was some seriously POOR prep work there. Those scratches are actually in the filler/primer. Then the base/clear was shot. There is absolutely nothing you can do to remedy that short of a repaint. Was it done as an insurance job? If so, have the client take it back (if it's no too late) as that does not comply with generally accepted automobile repair standards.

Used to restore Brittish cars - I have seen A LOT of that in my time.

Sorry to have to tell you that...

02-24-2009, 12:46 PM
It looks to me like there was some seriously POOR prep work there. Those scratches are actually in the filler/primer. Then the base/clear was shot. There is absolutely nothing you can do to remedy that short of a repaint. Was it done as an insurance job? If so, have the client take it back (if it's no too late) as that does not comply with generally accepted automobile repair standards.

Used to restore Brittish cars - I have seen A LOT of that in my time.

Sorry to have to tell you that...
It seems to me like you said....Is there any possibility to make it look better than it is now???

02-24-2009, 12:54 PM
personally, would not attempt to wetsand. It would do more harm than good. I would just use your favorite polish, and then wax or sealant. The problem is in the primer/basecoat. The clear just amplifies the defects. Any action you would take would just affect the clear coat.


02-24-2009, 12:59 PM
I agree with 08xB. I actually wouldn't touch the car at all. I would tell the owner theres nothing you can do and they need to take it back to the place and insist they redo it. Or take it to a new shop and make the other pay for it.

02-24-2009, 01:21 PM
Thanks guys all of you....

02-24-2009, 05:13 PM
I worked in the autobody industry and the fellas before me hit it on the head. The primer shrank in to the body work or it wasn't prepped right.