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01-27-2009, 10:08 PM
Ok, you guys were right once again. I've heard so much about CD2 engine detailer and even spotted it a couple times at my local Auto-Zone but always passed it up. I typically don't make a big fuss or try to up-sell engine detailing because let's face it-the rest of the job is draining enough.

Well, a couple months back I did a 2 step on a friend's 2001 4 Runner. Anyways, he calls me up wanting a refresher. ehh ok a basic interior, basic exterior. Broke out the DG105 and some AW. BUT, I offered up an engine detail to make it worth the time a little more. I know selfish me but he was all for it and it desperately needed it. Luckily my Auto-Zone still has a few cans of CD2. I also picked up their brand of engine degreaser. Just like most other engine cleaners, it smells like gasoline. a few brushes, towels, and a water hose is all it took. I covered the alternator with foil and during the chemical spraying I also covered the belt and fan area with a 13 gallon garbage bag. I was really impressed with the CD2-not just with the black rubber and plastic parts but even the fender areas and firewall.


after-yeah I missed part of the upper radiator hose, sorry : )

01-27-2009, 10:29 PM
Good work on that engine. I love that stuff. I'm getting worried though. Not long ago I had six cans and now down to 1 1/2 cans. Hope that it's easy to find.

01-27-2009, 11:33 PM
What an improvement! very nice!
Any pics with the garbage bag in place so I know exactly where you are talking about covering up? thanks

01-28-2009, 05:24 AM
Props on a nice job. I need to get a few cans myself.

01-28-2009, 08:28 AM
That looks real nice. It sure made a big difference. Did you also do the cowl area around the windshield wiper area with the CD2?

01-28-2009, 09:10 AM
thanks for the comments everyone. It was a learn as i go because other than my car which is an 07 and not very dirty, I had never done this before.

I didn't take any in pics with the areas protected. Every car is different but you don't want to spray water in a couple areas like alternator, ram air or CAI, or distributor caps (those seem more rare these days). I also sprayed WD40 on all areas that had wire harnesses or budles or wire connections. This will form a seal and prevent the harsh cleaners from damaging the wires. The belts can get wet so I just covered them for the dressing part.

01-28-2009, 10:59 AM
Instead of using WD40, buy some electrical/wire spray--can actually
use it on everything under the hood--awesome results

01-28-2009, 11:05 AM
A very nice job! :applause:

Just a heads up.
I used to use aluminum foil to cover things till someone pointed out that the metal foil could make contact with some electrical terminals with possibly some undesirable results. Plastic shrink wrap seems to work pretty good and is not likely to short anything out.
FWIW, I never had a problem with the foil, but the warning did make sense. (To me anyway.) :)

Let us know if the CD-2 Engine Cleaner odor lingers or goes away in a short time. Gunk Engine cleaner leaves an odor for days if not weeks.

01-28-2009, 11:23 AM
Lingers in my experience--have to repeat with a citrus base to get
rid of some of the smell

01-28-2009, 11:49 AM
yeah it's hard to beleive but I didn't have any plastic wrap or plastic shopping bags. foil was a last resort and the potential for bad things to happen is certainly believable. The smell wasn't as bad as the 1st degreaser I used. I flet guilty too as the runoff went down the driveway.

01-28-2009, 12:59 PM
(major snippage)

I was really impressed with the CD2-not just with the black rubber and plastic parts but even the fender areas and firewall.

Nice looking result. I'm unfamiliar with CD2, what is it, a clear shine-type spray or a cleaner? I generally do things under the hood by hand but I've had good results with S100 Engine Cleaner on wrinkle-black on bikes. Just wondering if there's an easier way to skin this cat.


01-28-2009, 01:36 PM
We get lots of questions about how to detail engines, so hopefully this link will help you out some.

Engine Detailing How To (http://www.autogeek.net/engine-guide.html)

01-28-2009, 01:50 PM
Nice looking result. I'm unfamiliar with CD2, what is it, a clear shine-type spray or a cleaner? I generally do things under the hood by hand but I've had good results with S100 Engine Cleaner on wrinkle-black on bikes. Just wondering if there's an easier way to skin this cat.

When you say S100 Engine Cleaner are you referring to the S100 Engine Brightener or is it a different product?

01-28-2009, 08:28 PM
When you say S100 Engine Cleaner are you referring to the S100 Engine Brightener or is it a different product?

I'd have to look at the can and I'm out if it right now, probably Engine Brightener cuz it doesn't *clean* anything. Clear spray that brightens up the black and leaves a bit of a coating to gather dust.


01-28-2009, 09:39 PM
Nice looking result. I'm unfamiliar with CD2, what is it, a clear shine-type spray or a cleaner? I generally do things under the hood by hand but I've had good results with S100 Engine Cleaner on wrinkle-black on bikes. Just wondering if there's an easier way to skin this cat.

I'd have to look at the can and I'm out if it right now, probably Engine Brightener cuz it doesn't *clean* anything. Clear spray that brightens up the black and leaves a bit of a coating to gather dust.

TLThe S100 Engine Brightener is a product I have never used. In fact, I don't remember hearing about it before. I guess I never got past their S100 Carnauba Wax and the S100 Total Cycle Wash, :)
The CD-2 most often referred to here is "a clear shine-type spray".
CD-2 is a product that I don't use a lot, but I don't remember it leaving a coating that gathers dust. It seems to leave a more or less dry surface although you may sometimes have to wipe some runs or drips if you apply it too heavily.
It would probably work great for your purpose. I use it on the black cylinders and side cases of my 1985 Honda 650 Nighthawk occasionally.