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01-20-2009, 07:59 PM
After watching our 44th President be sworn in today it made me think of how proud I am to be running something. Running my own auto detailing business has been a true blessing. There's not a moment that goes by that I do not appreciate. So this led me to makinga general discussion about auto detailing as a business. Just some small talk between us small business owners who want to further our way of thinking. Advice, Marketing, advertising, the 'life style' , ect...........Here's a few of my thoughts.

- The lifestyle is the best. Running my own detailing business allows me to make my own schedule. Considering I drive an hour away to go to college twice a week I never have to worry about a scheduling conflict as I always know where and when I have to be.

- Some say being your own boss is overrated. I say those people must not be cut out for the job. Sure everything falls on you. Sure I have to make sure I'm always presentable, supplied, and on time but I also only listen to myself ( And maybe a special request here or there from a customer ). I thrive on knowing everything is on my back because I'm a person who believes that while I'm still able to walk I can count on myself. I also seem to thrive on this because I work well on my own. I never did well having a boss.

- What does everyone feel is their best form of advertising? I have magnets on my truck which I have always felt draw positive feedback. I occasionally use flyers but never pass them out in mass quantities, like in parking lots. Anyone ever tried this? I also don't mind the occasional Craigslist ad. They're free and you can't beat that. My other main form of advertising is through local gated community newsletter advertising. It's amazing how many homes these papers reach.

- Anyone ever get the sideeyes? I did last week when a fellow detailer drove by while I was working at a new account I picked up at a bank. Lord knows though that I give them. I like to know who my competition is. The only thing is that I have problems keeping an eye on them because it seems like there are so many.

Well have fun with this!

01-20-2009, 08:33 PM
I have my own business, I'm in commercial and business finance (acquisitions, growth capital, recapitalization etc). It's tightened up big time in this market but I'm still busy. I have no patience for a boss, and glad to get this started at a relatively young age (now 26). I'm one of those "do what I want to do when I want to do" type guys. Now with that said I always have friends saying come out right now, or lets go get drinks...they think b/c I own the company I can do as I please, but for the most part its not like that. There can be weeks where I'm working morning through night every day. But I have a home office and real office, so its great getting up and saying ehhh I'm gonna work from home today...maybe lay out by the pool with the laptop :D

I don't do any marketing though, its all referral. People I know, places like some credit unions I know for commercial deals over their range. One I have two projects for, and their sending another 6.

01-20-2009, 08:40 PM
i know this is a little personal but what would be an expected annual income of someone who owns a detail business. don't get me wrong detailing is fun, but you don't exactly want to detail ferraris while you drive an old beater

01-20-2009, 08:42 PM
As soon as I heard finance I began to cringe for you. It will take years but our economy will come back and we will be stronger. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well though. I also agree with the do what I want when I want way of thinking. I started detailing as a side gig while I worked out a local italian restraunt (GAG).However when I realized, upon looking at my books, that this was something I could do full time you can only imagine what I told my boss. :)

My main business is referral.I live in one of the more prestiegous communities in my county and word of mouth does me real well in here. I don't have to worry about competition and as long as I take care of my customers, they always take care of me.

01-20-2009, 08:50 PM
i know this is a little personal but what would be an expected annual income of someone who owns a detail business. don't get me wrong detailing is fun, but you don't exactly want to detail ferraris while you drive an old beater

Income depends on your area of business, operational costs, profit per account , ect. There are too many variables to consider. Let's just say, after my bills are paid and my extra monthly expenses are aside, I still treat myself to an Outback Steak House.

"I've grown very fond of that place" - Will Ferrel, Step Brothers . Sorry , I just saw that movie for the first time last week and it's hilarious.

Back on topic, if anyone is to get into detailing I would hope they have a respectable work vehicle. I consider my truck an enormous business card on wheels. Nothing ticks me off more than when I see a detailer in a 'beater.' On the other hand though, in todays economy, would you really mind what you're driving while detailing someone elses Ferrari? Not me, I'm blessed to do what I do.

01-20-2009, 09:25 PM
My hats off too all that own there own business and sticking with them though these rough times.As for myself i have been in the automotive business since 1977 after i left college .Been with volvo for close to 30 years but working at dealerships . I was making over six figures a year when my college buds who went to law school, Accounting schools etc.they could understand how a Mechanic could make so much money and i proved it over and over.Anyone today in this field i feel bad for the automotive industy is in real bad shape .I have taken over 50 grand in pays cuts in the last three years and still no light at the end of the tunnel .But i still stick with it and do the best job i can do for my dealership.At this point i run the shop and not as much line work.I have 10 young techs under my wing and for the most part they stand around most of the day waiting for work too come in.By the way i work for one of the largest volvo dealers in the country .Sorry go off topic a little. So anyone at this time who wants too do anything with cars i can only wish you well and stick to your guns and be proud of what you decided what too do .Jezzz i sounded like father did when he used to preach too me .Thanks for all the detailers that have helped me

01-21-2009, 12:15 AM
I definately feel that keeping your transportation clean and respectable goes along ways, maybe even a bit of what type of car/truck it is too. you dont have to drive a new Lexus or anything but if you pull up to a new clients house with your Honda Civic with the 3 foot wing and potato cannon exhaust, it tends to throw some red flags to the man or woman whom is about to hand over there keys. I used to have a chevy truck with my company name and cell number on the rear window and always had the truck cleaned and dressed. cant count how many times id get a call from the person behind me wanting to set up an appointment. i also try and make it a point to give every customer 10 cards with my signature along with theres and ask them to just pass them out to whomever they want or may ask where they got there car done. if they brought me 5 customers with the cards i would do a probono on their car the next time. kick backs always seem to help, give them a little incentive to want to help you.

01-21-2009, 09:10 AM
I definately feel that keeping your transportation clean and respectable goes along ways, maybe even a bit of what type of car/truck it is too. you dont have to drive a new Lexus or anything but if you pull up to a new clients house with your Honda Civic with the 3 foot wing and potato cannon exhaust, it tends to throw some red flags to the man or woman whom is about to hand over there keys. I used to have a chevy truck with my company name and cell number on the rear window and always had the truck cleaned and dressed. cant count how many times id get a call from the person behind me wanting to set up an appointment. i also try and make it a point to give every customer 10 cards with my signature along with theres and ask them to just pass them out to whomever they want or may ask where they got there car done. if they brought me 5 customers with the cards i would do a probono on their car the next time. kick backs always seem to help, give them a little incentive to want to help you.

I do something simliar. I leave three-five business card with a small fragrance disk. I cant say however that this has lured anyone to me. It is though a nice touch to a finished job. I've thought about the incentive program concept but my volume is not high enough yet. What I would like to look into is having rearview mirror hangers made.

I would also love to have my rear window done and professional decals put on my Frontier but the deed restricted community I live in will not allow it. The truck would have to be parked in the Garage each night ( Not that I'd complain about that ). The only contradiction with this is that I'm currently living with my folks and my mother wouldn't allow her baby to sit outside on a nightly basis. So for now I have removable magnets from VistaPrint. Great company to look into for anyone trying to start a business.

And btw I just recently read the article about starting your own business and how so many fail. Well here's a tip. If you can, and if you're not too old, move back in with your folks. I'm about to be twenty-two, while it's not the greatest thing, I moved back home inorder to give detailing as a business a go. This way I can concentrate oo building my company and clientel while not worrying about so many day to day bills.

Showroom Shine
01-21-2009, 10:44 AM
Well,it is Great having a business. I have a passion for CLEAN Cars. So mobile detailing /washing fits good for me. I have taken alot of trainig from various businesses to stay up on a rapidly changing industry. I just joined the IDA. ( International Detailers Association)
I know this will be an added benefit to my business, the way I do things,upselling customers, other profit areas. This is my business, so I have to invest in it. My next purchase will be an Ozone Generator.
I already have Leather & Vinyl repair kits, Carpet & Upholstery repair kits. I want to be able to provide more that a wash and or paint correction. We detailers must change and evolve with the changing economy and industry to stay afloat and make a profit!

01-21-2009, 11:47 AM
just wondering - what is the charge these days for a full detail
say the client that wants the works- compound, polish, sealant, wax

01-21-2009, 12:08 PM
just wondering - what is the charge these days for a full detail
say the client that wants the works- compound, polish, sealant, wax

It depends on the vehicle, condition, and the area in which you detail. I'm on the lower end right now of the bracket but I know the norm in my area (West Coast of Florida) is usally $80-100.

01-21-2009, 12:54 PM
80-100 for a FULL detail? I would never do a full detail for that price. $125 is a starting price for wash, clay, AIO, sealant, interior wipe down and vaccum. I could not imagine puttin in the time to do a full detail and only walking away with $100 for my hard work.

01-21-2009, 01:27 PM
I'm in southern Cal. I would have guessed 200-300. like Sal329 said its hard to imagine working for day or 2 and walking away with $40 after costs.

01-21-2009, 03:08 PM
I'm in southern Cal. I would have guessed 200-300. like Sal329 said its hard to imagine working for day or 2 and walking away with $40 after costs.

Well what I see the average is here for two to four hours of work is around $100. So getting in two cars in one day would work out to be 200 minus expenses. Not a bad days work around here. Plus with everyone making cut backs a lot of the guys around here are staying competitive.

01-21-2009, 06:47 PM
I've seen alot of the top details post on here that they get $25.00 an hour and it takes them from anywere from 15 to 25 too do a complete detail