View Full Version : What product to use on Miata Leather seats??

01-15-2009, 09:05 PM
I recently got a 95 miata with tan leather seats, they are very dirty and a little hard. What product do you recomend to get this seats back in shape??? Are these seats coated? if so, using products like leatherique will be a waste of money?? Any advice would be great. Thanks

Showroom Shine
01-15-2009, 10:55 PM
I have done a couple Miata's. I think the seating is synthetic, not sure but they are tuff feeling. I think you can use an APC diluted to clean first. Then use Aero 303 for treatment. JMO

01-15-2009, 11:58 PM
Miata seats are leather on the seating surfaces and vinyl on the backs.Leatherique will be just fine

01-16-2009, 01:32 PM
I know that they are leather, I want to know if they are coated or not? I saw in this forum of a guy who use leatherique on a S2000 and the seats got worse instead of better. If I cant use leatherique what product do you recomend to use to bring back to life these seats. Thanks.

01-16-2009, 03:12 PM
I know that they are leather, I want to know if they are coated or not? I saw in this forum of a guy who use leatherique on a S2000 and the seats got worse instead of better. If I cant use leatherique what product do you recomend to use to bring back to life these seats. Thanks.

From what I have read about Leatherique, you generally only want to use Leatherique in the summer because the heat makes Leatherique Rejuvenator Oil work itself into the product. Other Leather products don't seem so finicky on temperature. Some good products other than Leatherique that get really good write ups are Leather Masters and Zaino's leather products.

01-17-2009, 03:28 AM
leather is coated in Mazda cars, just like in most Japanese cars. I personally like and use Pinnacle leather conditioner. Wolfgang will also work well. If on a budget, get Four Star leather conditioner, or Surf City Garage leather conditioner.

01-17-2009, 05:44 AM
For leather restoration, nothing beats leatherique, make sure you either apply it in hot weather or run your heater for a good hour to get the leather soft and the pores open. Really soak the seats with the oil, to the point where it seems like way too much and let it sit overnight. Thats the best your gonna get from a leather restoration in a bottle. If they are too far gone, I see people having good luck sanding and redying their leather. Search the web, youll see some amazing jobs. For basic maintenance, anyh of the above mentioned conditioners will do, although Pinnacle seems really overpriced for what you actually get. Leatherique 2x a year and lexol conditioner does me great. I dont like to use any cleaners on my leather tho, aside from the leatherique one when I do the whole process 2x a year. If I do use a cleaner, I only use the leatherique pristine clean, maybe like once every 3 months. Aside from that I only use warm water, and the Lexol conditioner. Ive heard some bad experiences from overcleaning your leather. It dries it out.:righton:

01-17-2009, 08:22 AM
leather is coated in Mazda cars, just like in most Japanese cars. I personally like and use Pinnacle leather conditioner. Wolfgang will also work well. If on a budget, get Four Star leather conditioner, or Surf City Garage leather conditioner.

Was it coated in 1995? Seems like the pleather started a little after that; at least this was the case in my Acuras.

01-17-2009, 08:39 AM
In Puerto Rico the climate is hot all the time. I will have no problem using leatherique. I will make a test to see if my seats are coated or not. Thanks for all the input in this matter.

01-17-2009, 09:00 AM
Leatherique ...

01-17-2009, 11:23 AM
Leather Master.

01-17-2009, 11:48 AM
How long usually does redying the seats last?? i Figured if you were to clean a redyed seat, you might just take off the coloring your put on. I have a major spot on my passenger seat(black leather) and where i tried to cover it up, the coloring from the leather came right out. I need a GREAT restoration system. Im willing to spend a good amount on something that will make it amazing if you guys know of any.

01-18-2009, 04:24 AM
Was it coated in 1995? Seems like the pleather started a little after that; at least this was the case in my Acuras.
you could try a little spray of tap water on the seats...if they change color (darken)- it's uncoated. If not - it's coated.

01-18-2009, 12:53 PM
From what I have read about Leatherique, you generally only want to use Leatherique in the summer because the heat makes Leatherique Rejuvenator Oil work itself into the product. Other Leather products don't seem so finicky on temperature. Some good products other than Leatherique that get really good write ups are Leather Masters and Zaino's leather products.You need leatherque, the car is old so the leather is going to be tougher/harder from missing oils. Regular conditioner won't help. Just use Leatherque but turn your heater on hi and leave sit for an hour or so and check, then maintain with normal cleaner/conditioner.