View Full Version : which cobra ww drying towel

12-30-2008, 10:34 AM
the gold cobra hd drying towel, or the green supreme towel that is 20x40....i need some new towels, and cant decide which i would like to get and which one drys better....

12-30-2008, 12:14 PM
no help here...i would think everyone on this board is using some kind of ww towel to dry their cars....

12-30-2008, 12:42 PM
This is a tough one. Both of the towels that you mention are excellent. The HD probably dries quicker; the Green WW is probably easier to use IMO. There was a period of time that I reached for the HD the most. Now, I almost always reach for the Green WW.
The HD I qd after drying; the WW I qd while drying. Don't ask me why I'm not sure. May have something to do with the stiffness of the HD.

12-30-2008, 01:03 PM
the HD holds more water but I have both and enjoy both of them equally. :)

Dusty Bottoms
12-30-2008, 01:24 PM
I dry with the green guzzler mostly. After drying, I like using the HD for my qd.

12-30-2008, 03:53 PM
The green towel is terrible, actually I dont like any of the Cobra towels. The PakShak towels are great though.

12-30-2008, 04:22 PM
Where's the best place to get a Pakshack towel?

12-30-2008, 06:50 PM
Where's the best place to get a Pakshack towel?

PakShak is another detailing site, use google. The green guzzlers are just as nice and rumored to be made by the same manufacturer. I love my guzzlers...

12-30-2008, 08:11 PM
i picked up two of the gold hd guzzlers...i hope to replace my absorbers for the ww towels....just got done polishing out my car to perfection, followed it up with a quick pass with poliseal, followed it up with upp....want to start drying with the ww towels vrs my old way with the absorbers that streak up everything....

12-30-2008, 10:31 PM
i picked up two of the gold hd guzzlers...i hope to replace my absorbers for the ww towels....just got done polishing out my car to perfection, followed it up with a quick pass with poliseal, followed it up with upp....want to start drying with the ww towels vrs my old way with the absorbers that streak up everything....

Congrats. You won't be sorry. A lot more fun than wringing out that Absorber.