View Full Version : My Black Audi A5, winter protection detail

12-27-2008, 01:07 AM
I am ashamed to say yesterday and today was the first chance I got to "winterize" my car. We have already had our first mini snowstorm here in NJ, lots of snow and salt on the roads made real mess of things for my car which at the time was wearing almost no protection. Although the car has some light swirls I didnt have time for paint correction so I went to a wash and seal... emphasis on the seal part:giggle:

No big write up, just a mini one for ya today

Wash Process:

P21s TAW pre-soak
2BM wash w/ gloss it gloss shampoo
P21s gel on wheels
Clay w/ gloss it mild green

Paint LSP:

Gloss It Signature Gloss sealant
4 coats applied over 2 days
Gloss Enhancer QD final wipedown

Windows/Wheels LSP:

3 coats of Rejex left to cure 30mins between
## wet dressing on tires (realized I hate the look and will soon strip it off)

Tools used:

DD uber sponges
CRspotless DIC 20
Cyclo to apply LSP
Fenix TK10 to check for smearing

When I bough the car I requested no dealer prep (duh) so my saleswomen put a sign on the car while it was waiting for delivery because she knew how anal I was about the dealership touching my car. I ended up with a car full of plastic and a sign in the windown, it was truly a beautiful sight when I went to pick up my car last month :worship2:



Now onto the detail, no befores


For a sealant I think the look it gives is very deep and has a solid glow, protection wise I should be good for at least 7-8months with strong beading and gloss retention. I never apply more than 2 coats of signature gloss because no car really needs it. But I decided to splurge a bit for my own and did an extra 2 coats this morning:thumb:



I choose Rejex for the windows and wheels because of its ability to withstand just about anything, sure the look is very sterile on paint but for wheels and glass its the perfect choice for protection.


Both the wheels and glass got 3 coats of Rejex applied via red CCS applicator pad, after buffing it off the inners of the wheels felt butter smooth. The Rejex shoudl withstand the heat well on the wheels.




My typical over the hood shot



the car is flat black but the OP isnt bad, however the paint is ultra soft the only thing I can compare it too would be flat BMW black, a wrong swipe with and MF will mar it:doh: Actually I dont really use anything but Eurow MF's on it because of the deep pile



Hood reflection





Thats it for now, more shots outside will come tomorrow.

Thanks for reading and goodnight

12-27-2008, 01:18 AM
Wow, that looks freaking amazing. I'd really like to try Gloss It. At first I thought it was another BS marketing 5-star-shine type thing but it seems that whoever uses it and shows their pictures, ends up with outstanding results.

12-27-2008, 01:43 AM
looks great man.. beautiful car. i would be the same way with a new car. i would only let the technicians do the pdi service and have them park it inside away from everything until i get it..

12-27-2008, 05:29 AM
Awesome car, awesome shots!!! Love that Audi!!!:righton:

12-27-2008, 10:33 AM
Magnificent as usual dsms. Thanks for always posting such informative postings of your work. Im the MAN

12-27-2008, 11:17 AM
Great car and good luck with it. Gloss-IT really looks good on there .Really looking at trying some out this spring.

12-27-2008, 03:00 PM
amazing shine, looks great!!

12-27-2008, 04:23 PM
Great writeup! :cheers:

Love the A5! :righton:

Love the paint! I wish my Acura had as little orange peel as yours. :(

12-27-2008, 04:33 PM
looks fantastic! wow!

12-27-2008, 04:53 PM
looks nice

12-27-2008, 06:06 PM
*UPDATE* outside and beading

It wasnt raining this morning so I took some shots outside, the clouds were up as usual but you get the idea of how it looked. Also did a quick rinse using the CRspotless so I have some beading shots






heres some beading shots, very uniformed and tight, 4 coats worth of sealant should last me quite a while



Rejex on the window beads nicely as well



Last one, my personal favorite ever because itfs finally my car in a wirte up


Thanks for looking again

12-27-2008, 10:12 PM
VAG FTMFW!!! the A5 is a masterpiece design IMO.

12-27-2008, 10:54 PM
Beautiful Audi and reflections. Good luck with the new car.

12-27-2008, 11:59 PM
VAG FTMFW!!! the A5 is a masterpiece design IMO.

Little unsure of what "VAG" stands for but I think its something good.

And yes the A5 bodystyle is truly classy:cheers: