View Full Version : On the first day of christmas Autogeek sent to me.

12-22-2008, 04:14 PM
If you can't already tell I am in the holiday mood. So I thought I would play a little game. everyone can join in and add their Fav product or wish just like the twelve days of christmas.

The only rules are.
1. don't use the same product as someone else.. would get boring
2. after you state you have to C+P what everyone else posted. This Keeps Tradition with the song.


On the second day of Christmas Autogeek sent to me.

Two Boars head tire brushes.
And an Autogeek in Paradise T-shirt.

Feel Free to start over after the first twelve.

have fun! :cheers:

12-22-2008, 04:14 PM
On the First Day of Christmas Autogeek sent to me.

A Five Gallon Wash System with Dolly!

12-22-2008, 04:40 PM
On the Second day of Christmas Autogeek sent to me

2 ShMITT Foam mitts
and a A Five Gallon Wash System with Dolly!

Happy Holidays!

12-22-2008, 04:50 PM
On the Third Day of Christmas AG sent to me:

3 pots of Dodo
2 Shmitt foam mitts
and a Five Gallon Wash System with Dolly

12-22-2008, 05:25 PM
the funny thing , a couple years back Autogeek actually had the 12 days of Christmas and gave away a ton of autocare products. Your post title brought back many a memory.

12-22-2008, 11:38 PM
the funny thing , a couple years back Autogeek actually had the 12 days of Christmas and gave away a ton of autocare products. Your post title brought back many a memory.

I heard the song today and thought, Hmmm...

12-22-2008, 11:47 PM
On the Fourth Day of Christmas AG sent to me:

4 Gallons of ONR
3 pots of Dodo
2 Shmitt foam mitts
and a Five Gallon Wash System with Dolly