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View Full Version : optimum polish Question.

12-04-2008, 12:44 AM
I used to use zaino z-pc, good stuff and liked the results but was pricy for a small bottle. Today i used the optimum polish the first time since i been reading that it had a good work time and many of you guys liked it, but i had a bit of a hard time, seemed it dry out too quick, i use a good amout each time and i did try to spray some water on it and last a bit longer. the weather was cool out today, used a rotary with megs. polishing pad, maybe im doing something wrong? any tips? and is this stuff suppose to be very thick? i can hardy shake it in the bottle, and take a little effort to squeze out.

12-04-2008, 07:47 AM
i use a good amout each time

Try and use a 2-3 pea size amount next time. With OP you just have to use a little,since it goes a long way

12-04-2008, 06:54 PM
I have found Zainos polish to be quite limited to more of a finishing polish (and dont get the green polish on rubber surrounds), whereas the Optimum and Menzerna line offers many polishes to fit between finishing and compounding needs. Best part, these polishes still work well with their sealant which is one of the best offered.

Anthony Orosco
12-05-2008, 12:06 AM
You most likely have the new version of the Polish which is much thicker than the older formulas.

It also has a shorter work time and the trade off with that is faster cut and more cut.

The previous version could be worked and worked until the cows came home and hardly dusted but the trade off to that was less cut and took a while to break down.
