View Full Version : Hard Water?

08-13-2006, 09:26 AM
I live in the boon-docks and have a well for water. We have a water softener for the house but the outside facets ( water to wash the car) comes directly from the well. I have seen the accessories that you put on the facet to soften the water however, I was thinking of running another water line outside directly from the water softener. That way I would have one line for watering the plants and one for the cars. Anyone have advice? Thanks.

08-13-2006, 09:56 AM
Check this out...............



08-13-2006, 10:15 AM
Wow, that's great. Thanks for the help.

08-13-2006, 01:05 PM

08-13-2006, 01:12 PM
Did you look to see if there was a faucet on the water system, if not you can put one in the line PVC line.

08-13-2006, 02:23 PM
i have a question about that filter system. if you get the water softener, could you wash it, rinse it, and basically walk away and get no water spots? its not for me, its a question for other people i know who dont like to dry and whine about the waterspots.

08-13-2006, 03:18 PM
it removes the mineral that are most noticable in causing water spots. I dont know if any system truly removes ALL waterspots. They certainly reduce them. I found the original Mr Clean handheld one to be complete junk. The big issue is complaints that without good water pressure, most would not be happy with any inline filter type product, as it reduces the pressure slightly.

08-13-2006, 03:39 PM
well i know a guy with a new M5 and he's looking into this like 400 doller de ionizing system or something.... i try to tell him to just dry it quickly but he's the type that occasionally goes to automatic car washes:eek:

08-13-2006, 04:23 PM
I have a de-ionizing system and they are incredible. No water spots - not even in the door jambs. They are really great on the dark colored cars. I wouldn't be without mine.:cheers: