View Full Version : Vacuum cleaners! The endgame thread!

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Kris R
11-17-2008, 06:08 PM
I did a rather nasty job today for a pals truck. She is a VET and carries her dogs back and forth everywhere in her F150 with Black leather interior and Black carpet.

Luckily she just wanted her truck washed and waxed and the seats, dash and mats taken care of. I still tried to vac her carpets and it was almost impossible.

Im using a ridgid vac. Ive had my eye on the metro vac and blow but seriously...Ive read so many unhappy reviews that i dont think I should drop that precious cash on it.

I was under the impression that it had more power and suction than a shop vac. But I dont know....

I also am looking at a Aztec Hot Rod extractor. But sometime tells me these arent miricle workers....things such as pet hair and beach sand are a nightmare to get out.

Im finding my shop vac just doesnt have enough suction or i dont have an attatchment that will just get in there and loosen the dirt! Ill vacuum a spot and then beat it lightly and a whole mess of sand and dirt just rises back to the surface...its never ending. I used a spot cleaner and a scrub brush as well as a wet microfiber cloth and it barely touched it...


For those of you who use extractors, shop vacs and metro vacs....who is happy with what?

I really need to know because right now carpet and rubber window trim are my freaking arch nemesises!!!

Kris R
11-17-2008, 08:51 PM
Come on guys..you ALL cant just detail your exteriors....mention what you use, what attachments, and what methods you use for cleaning really dirty carpets!

11-17-2008, 09:07 PM
i had the same problem last week with a ford thunderbird with black interior with white dog hairs. I found out a slow methos but it works take a latex glove and rub the carpet and it will all ball up so you can vaccum. I also tried static guard and it helped a little. As for the vaccum and extractor i use a shop vac and a mytee 8070. The extractor does a great job because it get so hot, but it will not do much for dog hair it was definately worth the money though.

11-17-2008, 09:50 PM
I have a 4hp craftsman and mytee tempo spot extractor. What has worked really well for me is using the little duster attachment ( you know that little brush dealy) and a pair of latex gloves. I wouldn't extract anything that had debris every where. Plus think how that extractor would smell with water and a bunch of dog hair.

11-17-2008, 10:15 PM
Meguairs? I think makes a pretty good hair removal tool

Kris R
11-17-2008, 10:50 PM
ok thats an interesting point. so when you get a dirty carpet you dont go straight for the extractor? you vacuum with a shop vac and then an extractor?

11-17-2008, 11:50 PM
Honda Accord, black cloth upholstery.
I use Static Guard. Spray, wait a few, use a "dog mit" and it comes off.

11-17-2008, 11:53 PM
If you have pet hairs, you should use a pet hair brush or K9 mitt, it goes a lot faster.

11-18-2008, 12:06 AM
ok thats an interesting point. so when you get a dirty carpet you dont go straight for the extractor? you vacuum with a shop vac and then an extractor?
It all really depends on the amount of debris. A few little pine needles or a some sand no big deal straight for the extractor. If your from my neck of the woods, WA, I've seen cars that have looked like a pine tree was raped in it or something. This is the reason that I bought an $80 shop vac, so I don't have to use my expensive extractor.

Showroom Shine
11-18-2008, 11:17 AM
DetailKing makes a Great Fur and hair removal tool called a Furz Off! It's a stone!
Always vacume first! before any extraction or tools. Some trash can be removed by hand, the big stuff!

11-18-2008, 03:59 PM
Downey Fabric Softener 20:1 will release the pet hair. Spay carpet, rake pet hair with latex glove hand, and vacuum into your shop vac.

This may sound obvious but give your shop vac filter a check, no matter how old.

Kris R
11-20-2008, 02:17 PM
Downey Fabric Softener 20:1 will release the pet hair. Spay carpet, rake pet hair with latex glove hand, and vacuum into your shop vac.

This may sound obvious but give your shop vac filter a check, no matter how old.

i ACTUALLY took the fiter out...and the baffle on the back...as long as im aiming the back away from me and the car its just a straight shot of air all the way....

12-01-2008, 03:32 PM
My sister bought me a Hoover "Garage Utility Vac" for my birthday this year. I detailed a car this summer where the person used the car to shuttle dogs to and from the local park - she's a professional dog-walker. I was surprised when the "GUV" handled about two year's worth of dog hair of varying sizes without any issues. I have been very pleased with its abilities. If I had one of those dog hair brushes that they sell at most pet stores, I'm sure it would have been even easier than it already was.

12-01-2008, 07:47 PM
I had the same problem with my shop vac ..and I blew it up by taking the filter & baffle off.... so i bought a new one along with a crevice tool i clean it everynite before i go home and it works great.

12-01-2008, 08:11 PM
nobody has mentioned an air compressor, I use the tornado gun, without the cleaining solution attachment it creates a cyclone air movement and blows the hair right out of the carpet fibers, then vacuum. If you run your shop vac without a filter, use bleach water method or you will burn the motor up. If you want to spend the money for the metro, spend a tad more on a nice 2 stage vac, if not stick to the rigid or shop vac 6.5 hp, and hot water extractors are not vacuums, vac first, let the shop vac get everything dry out and use the extractor after your shampoo process