View Full Version : Griots Garage Products

11-12-2008, 04:07 PM
Has anyone used Griots products are they any good

11-12-2008, 04:48 PM
They are OK but I think price is little to high.You cah get better stuff for less $.

11-12-2008, 04:54 PM
I use Griot's products....not exclusively, and I find their products are uniformly excellent. I see no reason to buy glass cleaner from them and maybe a few other items, but you won't go wrong with trying them.

Their Carnauba Wax Stick and Best of Show Wax are among the best carnauba waxes I've ever used. Long lasting (for a carnauba) and they make a car look like it's been dipped in lucite the finish looks so deep. The Stick Wax is very, very easy to use. The Best of Show Wax provides a really superior finish, but takes more effort. The only carnauba I've used that puts a better finish on a car is Pinnacle Souveran, which is much, much more expensive, and doesn't have the durability. I only use the Souveran on one car I own that's Torch Red, which is a color Souveran is made for. Even then, I layer it over a coat of Griot's Wax Stick. The Souveran simply looks better on red, that justifies it for me.

Their Speed Shine is as good or better than any other quick detailer out there. I've tried their aluminum and mag wheel polish and while good, I've found it's no better than Mequiar's, which you can buy locally.

We all have our likes and dislikes, and our own preferred products. As I said, I've found their stuff great and have been very happy with it.

11-12-2008, 05:16 PM
There are a few Griot's products that I use and highly recommend. As Gunslinger said about their Best of Show wax, it's great and lasts a decent amount of time, but it's a *real pain* to buff off. I used it on my Tornado Red VW Jetta for several years and it was great. I now use Pinnacle Souveran paste wax as well.

I will always use their Speed Shine and their leather lotion. Both are excellent products and are reasonably priced. I also use their car wash soap - it's very good.

I have always equated Griot's as being to auto care as Crutchfield is to car audio - they sell solid products and have an awesome catalog, but they tend to be slightly over-priced with the majority of their items. There are some solid gems in the mix, but most of their non-Griots items can be found elsewhere for less. Still though, there's a reason I still get their catalog.

11-12-2008, 05:29 PM
As tcollins said, Griot's Leather Care is excellent. Their interior cleaner is good, and their Vinyl and Rubber Dressing is outstanding, though not inexpensive if you overspray and use more than necessary. Their Undercarriage Spray is really great.

You'll find that with Griot's care care products, less is really more. Use their products properly and they're no more expensive than anyone else's and better as well.

Also, as tcollins said, don't worry about the non-Griot's products in their catalog. It has a lot of nice items, but nothing you can't probably find elsewhere for less.

Start getting their catalog...every now and then they put everything in the catalog on sale...they just did that last month. That's when you make your buys. Considering the economy right now, Griot's may be doing that more often as might other suppliers.

11-12-2008, 06:13 PM
Totally agree that prices are higher esp. for microfibers, and things that you can get elsewhere. I was going to purchase a tire inflater with Gage and bleeder valve from him for 50 bucks and I found a similar one on amazon for $22. went to walmart and saw the same one as amazon for less than $20. It is pretty much the same as his but it was less than half of the price and it works just the same!

Speed shine is a great product that I use daily and I highly, highly recommend his undercarriage spray......I love it!!!!!

11-12-2008, 07:16 PM
I have to echo the others thoughts on Griots products. They have have some solid items that I've purchased in past years but have found their catalog full of over priced tools, gadgets and the like. Since I discovered Autogeek, I rarely if ever stray from their offerings. But once you buy from Griots your mailbox will contain a new catalog about every two weeks. They must spend a pretty penney on catalogs and mailing them out, but thats probably why their prices are on the high side.

11-12-2008, 07:48 PM
1st post and already asking about the competition :(

The only product in their line I would consider any longer is the wheel cleaner and perhaps the Undercarriage Spray.

You can however find more that worthly replacements here at Autogeek for anything they offer and usually at a better cost point meaning more items !!

11-12-2008, 09:43 PM
You can however find more than worthly replacements here at Autogeek for anything they offer and usually at a better cost point meaning more items !!


11-13-2008, 12:06 PM

You can however find more that worthly replacements here at Autogeek for anything they offer and usually at a better cost point meaning more items !![/quote]

Totally agree.....Autogeek is the best!!!!!

His undercarrage is the best I have used though ....I dont see any undercarrage spray at Autogeek??!?

11-13-2008, 12:20 PM
Richard has done a nice job with Griots Garage, the site and the catalog. Have not used their products but I do love looking at their catalog and wishing my garage looked like the one in the pictures.

11-13-2008, 04:50 PM
You can however find more that worthly replacements here at Autogeek for anything they offer and usually at a better cost point meaning more items !!


I found this with DP Interior Cleaner vs. the Griot's brand.