View Full Version : The truth about Klasse products?

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11-01-2008, 12:30 PM
Questions, because I keep reading different things all over the place about Klasse:

1.) Is Klasse AIO really wipe-on wipe-off? Why do people let it sit for an hour and then buff off?

2.) Klasse AIO, does it really offer any protection on its own? How much durability? People say there is no real protection unless topped with Klasse SG or a wax.

3.) Is it possible to layer AIO? I read that it is, but it doesn't make sense if it is a cleaner polish.

4.) How long does Klasse SG take to dry? I read that people let it dry up over night and buff off the next day to make buffing off easier, but how long before it is actually dry? I wouldn't mind using a QD to ease buffing off if it saves the time.

5.) Any cure time before I can apply a carnauba wax on top off the SG? I know that it's something like 12-24 hours between coats of SG, but how about SG to the wax?


11-01-2008, 12:55 PM
Klasse AIO is an all-in-one cleaner that will offer very minimal protection. I basically use it on all my outside windows, when properly prepped (cleaned, clayed, and AIO) it does an excellent job helping water bead and sheet off. Unlike greasy Rain X (which isn't any better then cornoil, IMO) it doesn't attrack dust and dirt. Durability will vary, 2-3 months from 2 coats (5 min apart to insure even coverage). It's a wipe on wipe off product. I use it with a damp MF applicator, and don't let it dry. Remember that it is an AIO product, so having more then 2 coats will only mean you are wasting product.
Klasse SG is very finicky product, one of the best applications for it would be to get a travel size sprayer (50 cents at local Walmart, Rite Aid will rip you off $2.00 for the same thing), simply spray it, very thin coat and wipe it right off. You will need a good quality MF towel for this, as you just wanna use a dry towel, without ANY water products for wiping sealant off, as it might interfere with it's durability. Either this, or use a MF applicator for applying it very-very thin and wiping it right off. Letting it dry will only harden it, making it very difficult to remove. It will almost be like glue, and it will take you quite a challenge to remove.
After done, let it cure for 24 hours (24 hours in this case instead of 12) in a garage, where no moisture can touch it. Then you can top it off with a carnauba wax if desired. Collinite waxes will work very well giving you an awesome durability.

11-01-2008, 02:29 PM
I hope you did not misunderstand my previous post where you asked about the Klasse Duo specifically :

Klasse AIO (red) --- this product is a chemical cleaner and protection (acyrlic) all in one bottle. As you noted you would not try to layer as it would remove any previous product. It can be buffed off with no appreciable strength or time needed, and can also be used with buffer and light pad as desired.

Klasse Sealant (Silver) --- this product when used after AIO makes a nearly bulletproof finish for months. It is a bit sterile looking in my opinion and a pain to remove. Using the WOWO method has provided the best results. Using a small travel size spray bottle to spritz is best to control amount used. This product should have 12 hours of curing for best outcome before consider topping with any detail sprays (for missing gloss) or a pure carnauba wax.

11-01-2008, 03:06 PM
Thanks for the posts, pimps. So the Sealant Glaze is ready to be removed as soon as it is applied, just like the AIO?

I keep reading that when you let the Sealant Glaze sit on the vehicle over night, it will be easy to buff off the next day. And Autogeek's site says to let it sit until it is dry and then buff off with the help of a quick detailer.

Don't get me wrong, I prefer WOWO but what if that's an incorrect application?

Maybe I should go straight from Klasse AIO to a carnauba wax such as my Natty's Red? And then re-apply Natty's Red every month? I don't know if I have much confidence that Natty's Red will go for a whole month during the harsh New Jersey winters though, but I know for sure that if the Natty's Red doesn't stay strong for a month and I had applied SG before-hand, at least the Klasse SG will still easily be there.

Decisions, decisions.

11-01-2008, 06:06 PM
For the Sealant Glaze, you have two options for easy removal. Wipe on, wipe off. It'll cure to the paint fast enough for long durability. Apply to a panel and then come back with a MF for removal. The other option is to let it sit on the paint for several hours, or overnight. The time in between 2 minutes and 4 hours, SG is like cement to remove ....

11-01-2008, 06:15 PM
Cool, thanks. What if I did a coat of Klasse AIO and then topped it with Zaino Z-CS? Will Z-CS bond okay? And then if I top the Z-CS with a carnauba wax if I feel like it, will that bond to the top of Z-CS?

11-01-2008, 06:29 PM
Klasse AIO is a great prep product for any wax or sealant. Alone it'll last less than a month but it leaves a great surface for anything really.

11-01-2008, 08:37 PM
Sweet. Maybe Klasse AIO + DG 105 or Z-CS + Natty's or Fuzion.

11-02-2008, 01:27 AM
Thanks for the help, gents. I just ordered a 10oz bottle of Klasse AIO so I will give that a try next week-end. I have a couple of different waxes and sealants (Natty's Red, Fuzion, DG105, some OTC products, etc.) so I will follow the Klasse application with another product or a combination of products and see how I like it.

My goal is to figure out a system that is fast and easy, offers great durability, a decent shine, and doesn't limit me to one company or one type of product if I ever get bored down the line. There is too much good stuff out there to be limited to Zaino...especially when I apply different waxes or polishes on top, it just continues to look exactly the same because Zaino seems to dominate the overall look.

11-02-2008, 07:36 AM
Zaino is a fine line, Z5Pro an Z8 are the shining stars in my opinion. Used with ZFX they make a super good looking and durable combo. The CS product is ok but needs alot more gloss. Their polishes and AIO dont match Klasse AIO and Menzerna polishes however but knowing Sals reputation he is looking to upgrade these.

11-04-2008, 08:25 PM
Thanks for the posts. But if Klasse AIO offers very limited durability and I put a coat of DG 105 on top of that, won't the DG105 go away with the Klasse AIO? Or maybe DG105's light cleaning ability will clean up anything Klasse leaves behind?

11-05-2008, 06:40 PM
any sealant with light cleaners will likely remove some/all of Klasse AIO. Its best to top with a pure sealant or pure wax. Pinnacle and Wolfgang come to mind quickly.

11-07-2008, 10:56 PM
My Klasse AIO came in the mail yesterday. This one-step thingy is the dopest thing I have ever used. Directions were a piece of cake, WOWO made for super fast application and this has one of the dopest shines I have ever seen. No wonder so many people use this product.

I think I am going to apply it to the G35 and see how it holds up in the winter; the back of the Klasse bottle says 6-8 months protection.

11-07-2008, 11:06 PM
Add some SG or 105 as the sacrificial layer and it should last 5-6 months easy. I love to top with Souveran in the summer, gives it a great look with more protection.

11-08-2008, 08:29 AM
it wont last that long on its own, but one month to six weeks was average for Klasse AIO.