View Full Version : some people just don't understand :(

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08-10-2006, 10:37 PM
classic case of newbie deatilers with an attitude!


i mean, yeah, i was kinda harsh with my first replay to the black box guy, but sheesh, some people can't take constructive criticism!

08-10-2006, 11:10 PM
I love the way when a person is called out they change there story to "I do it differnce then most". It's kinda like a mechanice telling me I should change my oil 3m/3000 miles no matter what, yet I have an oil sample report saying I'm doing more then fine at 5000 and being asked to go 6000. Go figure :/

08-10-2006, 11:24 PM
Although I have just met you, your reputation preceeds you. There is always gonna be some D*ck%ead tha knows it all that does it better, that does it different than the rest of the world. You have nothing to prove to that guy, Ohio is a long way from here. I bet he is the one who washes the cars for the real detailers. You have talent enough said.Do they have an offical vendor for that site? My acura site has one. You should set something up with Autogeek to be the offical care vendor for that site. That would really shut him up.

Take care,


08-11-2006, 07:08 AM
hehehehehehhhe I had to laugh when I first read him suggesting the Mr. Clean! lol Knowing how famed you are for your washing techniques I could only imagine what your comments following would be. I think he took things personally and then was trying to put you down to make his own point seem valid. But you handled yourself really well Neo, I'm proud of you! 18 going on 35?? When he said he was a body shop guy I cringed. After my recent experiences with the body shop, that is not an admission that would inspire confidence in me I can tell you that! You are a true detailer Neo, and your posts and advice here have helped many people on the right path. I have to disagree with you about the Souveran though. I have Natty's too and love it, but I see a HUGE difference in the the paint from Natty's to Souveran. Natty's is the best carnauba out there in it's price range, but I still think that Souveran is the best there is. You wanna pick a fight with me now? come on and bring your "perfect beast" down to Hollywood and I'll show you that Souveran is the best! LOL
muaaaaaaaaaaa We love you Neo! :)

08-11-2006, 07:12 AM
Hey Harrison can you link him to our how to section, I think he might need it. :o After that link him to our picture of the Autogeek T-shirt model, maybe he might think you actually own a few sheepskin mitts, although looks like he is still washing with old beach towels. We can fix him though, no one is a lost cause around here. Give him a link to this forum! :righton: Let us have him. We can explain what "lubricity" is!:D Soon he will know how to spell carnauba!;)

08-11-2006, 07:58 AM
Did they just call you needled!ck?!? , little punks lol. Plus the other guy is a body shop guy, oooo wowww, they are the kings of halogramming:D

08-11-2006, 08:02 AM
The best is when guys from the dealership try to tell you how to detail your car.... I know all of you have had a beautiful detail job by the dealership at least once! Makes you want to cry!

08-11-2006, 08:10 AM
All I can say is I used a lot of tricks I learned off here and dc forums (which lead me to here) ... and based on the way my cars look, I'd say you are a much more authoritative resource.

I had heard that scionlife was a full of people looking to start internet squabbles, never believed it till today

Tex Star Detail
08-11-2006, 08:23 AM

You'd be amazed at some of the thing I read on other forums as well. As bad as I want to correct them or tell them how to do it, I know it would start a flame war. I just stay out of it. Hard to, but I try. I sit back, laugh, and think to myself....These are the types of people that pay my bills...when they come running when they screw up their paint.

08-11-2006, 09:48 AM
Slightly off topic but since it was a scion forum and a thread about a Tc...

Is that supposed to be Toyota's performance coupe now? I mean... I guess it's 'sporty', but why has Toyota killed off all it's sports cars? I'm not a fan of the Lexus IS300 either...

08-11-2006, 10:57 AM
Neo, that guy is a complete tool. Some people will never learn to open up to new ideas when they have this belief that they are right. Oh well, another lost soul.

Rapidity - scion is more of a brand geared towards the younger generation. They do this so they can become loyal to the toyota brand. It isn't their performance coupe really... but it is their only coupe that has any kind of performance.
EDIT: SC430 and the new IS coupe, some may also consider a solara one too.

Any word if a new supra is coming out anyone?

08-11-2006, 11:34 AM
AH!!! I remember the Toyota Supra! What ever happened to it?? I almost had one once. Almost! sniff sniff :(

08-11-2006, 11:36 AM
lol @ sc430 and IS350 being their sports cars. One is 65k+ and the other 35k+ and only available in an auto. booooooooooooooooooooooooooo you're all up into prices where better cars live. I suppose that is an opinion but not really. I mean better performance across the board. Even the IS250 6 speed is near 30k. It's no 350z or Sti. .. I just think it was nuts to kill the MR2 and Celica. Only to replace them with the Tc and IS250.

hehe the new supra... who knows. I seriously doubt it makes it since toyota is aiming everything towards hybrids. Plus... no doubt it'll be 80k if they do and that's where Vipers live.

08-11-2006, 11:42 AM
LOL, I am not considering them sports cars, but that is just what they have. Toyota to me has always been kind of bland.

Hope this link is ok
Looks like they are toning it down a little without the TURBOS. Gen 4 supra is one cool car.

08-11-2006, 01:10 PM
i hate people that arnt willing to listen to other people
