View Full Version : EXP vs. PWS?

09-30-2008, 10:29 AM
Does Poorboy's EXP look any better or last any longer than PWS? I used some PWS I recently ordered on my bro's car the other day and I'm definitely a fan of the traditional sealant look now....and believe it or not this was the first time I'd ever used a sealant! Strictly carnauba until now! I loved the mirror finish and the gloss the PWS produced, and I'm just wondering if it would be worth it to pick up the EXP. (I probably wouldn't top with a carnauba if I'm gonna go the sealant route, just to clarify, so I'm trying to compare the look of PWS and EXP as is)

What do you guys think? Any advice from EXP/PWS users out there?

09-30-2008, 11:52 AM
PwS is a great product for cleaning and some sealant protection. However, by itself, it won't last more than a month or two, so it is a good idea to top it with another sealant or wax, your preference. EX-P is a fine choice and it'll apply and remove effortlessly if you apply it thin enough. Durability is hard to talk about, you have to remember everyone has different conditions so when one person says a product has great durability and another has poor, take it with a grain of salt, their conditions are going to be different from everyone else.

09-30-2008, 01:05 PM
Thanks budman. How about looks though? Do you think I'll notice any appreciable difference with the EXP?

09-30-2008, 04:19 PM
great sealants --- Zaino, Duragloss, DP (recently cancelled), and Four Star UPP
(each offers crisp reflections and high gloss)

Donald Greco
09-30-2008, 05:08 PM
And XMT 360 IMO is also AWESOME