View Full Version : Quick Review : Rain Clear by Glass Science

09-28-2008, 03:44 PM

Never being a huge fan of RainX when I received a couple of the Glass Science products to test I was not as excited as the new Menzerna Polish. Well this product does seem to come away as an update to RainX and heres the quick review. I have however a third car currently and as such it does not sit in garage and thus products like these may help and thus the test.

Application --- Gel form versus spray or towelette. It is much easier when applying to see where it has gone and after using it once it very easy to guage when it flashes and appears dried versus liquid gel. A little goes alot farther than expected and have to regulate about a quarter size per window application. I used a Pinnacle foamy for application without issue. (pic above was stolen from site)

Removal --- one of the areas where RainX always needed a damp towel to remove all streaking marks initially and this product doesnt. Buffed up quite well with a thin general purpose MF towel. Because it appears a bit thicker due to the gel application its easier to see where removed. A damp towel still helped in corners where overapplication on a just washed car made the product streak.

Appearance --- Truthfully I did not expect rain after initial application and applied in hopes of dealing with our extra car that sits outside 24/7 and it full of condensation each morning and glass unbearable to see out of properly. The first morning it was raining and the typical perfect small beads were apparent. Driving at all speeds over 30MPH made the beads move off quickly with little need for wipers. (other windows not applied had a very different appearance and while beading was not quick to blow away). First use of wipers showed no chatter and the foggy has that RainX always seemed to introduce as they wiped.

Car sat outside at work all day backed in next to several associates car. It was intriquing to look out and see very little water accumulating on glass, whereas theirs did. After the sun came out all those perfect little beads left alot of perfect little marks on glass needing wipeoff however.

Outcome --- for users of RainX looking for something that works as well and a little easier to apply and remove this is the ticket. I was impressed enough to do the rest of the glass on the outside wonder in hopes to see all those perfect rounds everywhere at next rain. Durability is unknown but original front windshield was not recoated while doing rest and will track over several weeks/months and get a nice gauge as car will sit outside 24/7

09-28-2008, 03:56 PM
Glass Science Dual Purpose Glass / Protectant Spray


Glass cleaners are one of the most used products in car care and most seem to miss on something and make more mess than glistening glass. I love to try them and quick to replace them unless they can walk the walk. (Invisible Glass is a high water mark in this arena). This product offers to clean glass and add some protection similar to RainX products.

Application --- whats to say here, spray on and wipe off. Shake the bottle well to make sure all is mixed and move forward.

Removal --- Wipe off with a good MF WW Glass towel like those from Cobra and thats exactly how I used product.

Appearance --- it should be noted immediately that the cleaner portion of this product seems very light compared to numerous glass cleaners. I would suggest using it on only the lightest of dust, as it streaked and moved dirt on glass around and really seemed to lack the power to bust it up and allow towel to move away. I even tried a lighter MF towel (jr) and saw no big difference. It does smear alittle at first and like the protectant in product.

At first rain there was a noticable difference between the front glass done above in the gel, and all the rest done with this spray. It did bead, but not uniform. I was hard to see a clear difference between sprayed glass and clean glass prior (kicked self for not leaving one untested spot).

Outcome --- not as impressed with this product based upon its offering as dual purpose. It struck me its likely more of a booster type product for the gel and maybe lighter in cleaning to avoid moving all the previous protection. So I would likely suggest both as a team, but this is not simply a great glass cleaner with the added benefit of some rain repellant properties in it.

Durability is unknown, and replaced with GEL at next wash.

09-28-2008, 04:10 PM
It literally started sprinkling while compiling this review so a couple of imprompt pics below of front glass protected with gel product.



While I hate washing this car so often (nature of the beast being it outside all day/night) if it pours I will try to get some additional shots.

09-28-2008, 05:08 PM
Have you used Aquapel? and if so can you compare the 2 as far as beading? and longevity as time passes?

09-28-2008, 05:15 PM
awesome review! i think im gonna try aquapel as i have heard good things about that product

09-28-2008, 06:46 PM
Have you used Aquapel? and if so can you compare the 2 as far as beading? and longevity as time passes?

I have seen but not used Aquapel myself, friend swore by it, the only initial think I can offer is that this tube would likely last a year or more depending on application and number of vehicles.

08-03-2016, 04:36 PM
Aquapel is great, and it is easy to use. although for the money Rainclear is my go to. Aquapel lasted only about a month longer. so 3 to 5 months depending on weather conditions

11-01-2016, 11:02 PM
Something went terribly wrong when we used Rain Clear on a friend's Audi Q5 today. We had just sealed the paint and couldn't get it wet for 12 mours. We used a very liberal amount of water in a spray bottle to rince the glass scrub, we wiped with clean microfiber. Followed the Rain Clear directions to a T and it loks like there's some kind of oil all over the windows. We buffed and buffed with paper towls and spraying more water. Please advise how I might remidy this sutiation. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

11-02-2016, 12:52 AM
Something went terribly wrong when we used Rain Clear on a friend's Audi Q5 today. We had just sealed the paint and couldn't get it wet for 12 mours. We used a very liberal amount of water in a spray bottle to rince the glass scrub, we wiped with clean microfiber. Followed the Rain Clear directions to a T and it loks like there's some kind of oil all over the windows. We buffed and buffed with paper towls and spraying more water. Please advise how I might remidy this sutiation. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Use a microfiber towel. And maybe some glass cleaner

11-02-2016, 04:49 PM
Use a microfiber towel. And maybe some glass cleaner

What are the odds they haven't tried that yet? Lol.