View Full Version : Leatherique Question

09-20-2008, 03:02 AM
I know may sound weird but is it nornal to have weird things floating around inside the leather rejuvinator? It kinda look like soup skin or tissue paper? I don't want to figure out something crawled in my leather rejuvenator and died. :(

09-20-2008, 07:15 AM
alot of chemicals break down and need a good shake prior to use. What happens when shaken hard, does it change back to liquid state or stay a harder tissue ??

09-20-2008, 07:59 AM
The fat/oil has congealed, as stated shake the container and see if it re-mixes

09-20-2008, 02:07 PM
After about 2-4 minutes of vigorous shaking the substance seems to break apart and not break down. The particles seem to float around like debrit and instantly start clumping together when they make contact with eachother and within a few hour they settle down to the bottom and form the same big chunk.

09-20-2008, 04:12 PM
Maybe if you put it in a bowl of warm water before and after shaking it would make it mix better.