View Full Version : Hurricane Ike

09-13-2008, 02:31 PM
To all of our friends taking a hit from Ike, hope you are all safe! Storm looked like it packed a strong punch... I hate to see it head your way but was very glad it missed us. Florida has been a hurricane magnet this past month.
Please be safe and hope you find your homes unharmed but most importantly, keep yourself safe!
We all down here can be very sympathetic to what you are enduring right now!


09-13-2008, 03:35 PM
yes be safe out there!!!

09-13-2008, 03:40 PM
The weird thing about those hurricanes (Fey, Gustav, Ike, and others) is that they have got stronger right after they passed by Puerto Rico. Last week we just had remnants and outer bands of Ike and it hit us hard, lots of rain and strong T.T winds. Hope you are all safe in TX hope to see you all soon here again.

09-13-2008, 03:52 PM
Hope everyone is ok and doing well.
Gas prices went sky high yesterday and today, went from 3.47 to over 4.30, if you can find gas and we are not even close to Ike.

09-13-2008, 06:14 PM
With all these stupid huricanes/storms/tornadoes, I'm just thinking, when will the goverment think of an idea of putting them to human use (creating electricity for instance) without harming mankind and land...

09-14-2008, 03:02 PM
I'm from Texas. I grew up 9 miles from Galveston Island. It seems that Ike, for being only a Cat2, did more damage than Carla, a Cat4 (the hurricane in my personal experience), did in 1961. Strange, isn't it?

I wish the best for those who have been adversely affected by Ike.

Donald Greco
09-14-2008, 03:06 PM
I was in Biloxi back in 1969 when Camille hit, I know the destruction these storms do. Be Safe All

09-14-2008, 03:14 PM
I'm from Texas. I grew up 9 miles from Galveston Island. It seems that Ike, for being only a Cat2, did more damage than Carla, a Cat4 (the hurricane in my personal experience), did in 1961. Strange, isn't it?

I wish the best for those who have been adversely affected by Ike.Problem with this storm was it became massive and had a huge eye, it had a storm surge more along the lines of a much more powerful storm. It was pushing an insane amount of water, the surge stretched from Texas to North FL.

09-14-2008, 03:23 PM
Problem with this storm was it became massive and had a huge eye, it had a storm surge more along the lines of a much more powerful storm. It was pushing an insane amount of water, the surge stretched from Texas to North FL.

Interestingly, I was moved to look again at Carla. It made landfall on 9/11/61. I'm trying to locate some stats so I can do a comparison between Carla and Ike.

09-14-2008, 03:44 PM
I was a child living in Houston when Carla hit. I can remember a huge tree falling in our yard but not hitting the house.

Mother Red Dwarf rode out Ike in Houston. No damage where she lives but of course the power went out. Glad that the storm surge was no where near as high as predicted, else the Galveston sea wall would have been breached for the first time in its 108 year history.

We were expecting a lot of rain in DFW but it turned east more than some expected. Yesterday (Saturday) was some heavy rain but today is beautiful! In fact I got outside and washed my car and the wife's Quest today.

09-14-2008, 03:58 PM
Here's some stats: (Sorry about the code tags. It was the only way to get a monospaced font.)

..................... Carla ......................... Ike
Formed ........... September 3, 1961 ............. September 1, 2008
Dissipated ....... September 16, 1961 ............ September 14, 2008
Highest winds .... 175 mph (280 km/h) ............ 145 mph (230 km/h)
(1-minute sustained)
Lowest pressure .. 931 mbar (hPa; 27.5 inHg) ..... 935 mbar (hPa; 27.62 inHg)
Fatalities ....... 43 direct ..................... 89 direct, 5 indirect
Damage ........... $325 million (1961 USD) ....... $27 billion (2008 USD)
.................. $2.34 billion (2008 USD)
Areas ............ Yucatán Peninsula, Texas, ..... Turks and Caicos, Bahamas,
affected ......... parts of the Central .......... Hispaniola, Cuba, Florida
.................. United States ................. Keys, Mississippi, Louisiana,
.................................................. Texas, Mississippi Valley

09-14-2008, 04:44 PM
Showed video/pics of Surfside and Galveston on tv, those two areas took it up the rear, looks like they got the brunt of the storm. Looks like what saved total devastation was the surge ended up being around 15 feet and not 20-25 like predicted, waves were already coming over the seawall but damn had another 5 feet or so of surge came in would have made for a very ugly scene.

09-14-2008, 06:19 PM
From what I have been able to see those areas hit caught pure Hell from Ike . Another site I am on with show and collector cars , have only heard from a couple of people and they had from minor to severe damage . After having been invloved in Camille , Frederic , and Katrina I know very well the damage , destruction and inconviences involved .

09-14-2008, 07:38 PM
Unfortunately, if you live near the beach in gulf or the east coast from NC down, it just takes one storm to wipe it all out. It is all about luck.