View Full Version : Voodoo Ride??

09-07-2008, 06:14 PM
I was just perusing my local Zellers and I noticed a new line of car care products in a fancy looking bottle and with a big price tag. $15 dollars for 16oz of wheel cleaner, similar pricing for a quick detailer and so on. Having never heard of this product I looked online and lo and behold I see a very fancy website with a Nascar driver for spokesman. Does this business model work in the detailing industry? Instead of years of product development and word of mouth advertising can you just make a fancy package and a nice website and charge a premium for your product? Hard to really tell about these products but judging by the silicone based formula of their tire spray I would say the company is not leading edge. I don't think these items will sell well up here where the number of car nuts is lower and many shoppers here will not shell out premium prices just for fancy claims or packaging. I will have to wait for the blowout pricing in a few months and then I can give a review of some of their wares.


09-08-2008, 12:54 AM
I have seen this stuff advertised in magazines I get. It was started by Dale Jr. I have not tried it, but my guess is it is on par with any of the other stuff you would find at Pepboys, Autozone, etc. Its probably comparable to the lower end products by Mothers, Meguiars, etc.

09-08-2008, 10:09 AM
I saw it a month ago at a popular reseller, looks like a private label product with Dales sponsorship all over it. Havent heard a peep from users yet ...

09-08-2008, 10:32 AM
... I will have to wait for the blowout pricing in a few months and then I can give a review of some of their wares.


It wont be long, looks like this product line is not really taking off. I think they thought with Jr on the label it would just sell itself, but you have to have the quality for people to keep buying it.
Heck look at Poorboys, great product, VERY simple labels and no hype, yet stands well on its two feet! :D

09-08-2008, 02:59 PM
That was my point exactly Meghan. Poorboys made their name by making good products and letting the users sell the brand to others. Poorboys pricing is better than this Voodoo stuff as well. Their no mention of Dale Jr. on the retail packaging here so that sale may happen sooner than later. Especially with our climate, by November detailing outside is impossible unless you like working on frozen paint.


09-11-2008, 11:45 AM
Eye-catching image and clever product names but they're too expensive and have no reputation.