View Full Version : 12 year old busa racer

09-07-2008, 11:37 AM
found this and thought is was very interesting. at 12 years old i was no where close to thinking about racing and this kid not only thinks about it but has the skills to do it. to be honest i am jealous.

12 Yr Old and a BUSA!!! (http://www.fnsweet.com/forums/videos/45814-12-yr-old-busa.html)

09-07-2008, 11:47 AM
That is one fast kid on a bike .I wonder if there is a record for that age?

09-07-2008, 03:50 PM
Fast or not, impressive or not, skilled or not, I wonder what kind of a parent does it take to sit his 12 yo kid, even if he has experience, on a rocket in a competition that has high risk of, heavens forbid, permanent heavy injury or death.

the high risk is there weather you are a child or adult. the skill takes away some not all but some of risk. knowledge takes away some risk as well. and lets not for get about respect for machine that this kid must have. this kid grew up in that type of enviroment. even though he is only 12 he probaly has more knowledge and skill at riding/racing bike then most of ever will. i dont see any difference betwen this and john force with his daughters. what about parents that let their kids play little league baseball or pee wee football? is there no risk there? more injuries happen there then at race track.