View Full Version : Menzerna FLEX XC3401 Ceramic Show Car Kit

08-21-2008, 03:09 AM
Hey, i need to order a polish kit asap, i was recommended the
Menzerna FLEX XC3401 Ceramic Show Car Kit

how good is this kit, is it safe on all paints, n will it remove all swirls?? or please recommend another.

also has anyone heard of P21S wax, google it :) n tell me what you think i want some good high qulity carnuba wax thats close to quality of zymol.

also if someone has time whats a good shampoo for carpets, seats, and how to clean the headliner and seats safely.

thanks please reply quick guys i want to place order on products by tomorro night :) thanks again

08-21-2008, 04:25 AM
Hi That is a great kit and will handle just about anything. I have never used the P21S wax myself but have heard good things about it.As far as carpet I use Folex that I pickup up at Homedepot,Walmart or Target it should clean headliner and cloth seats with no problem or you can use a properly diluted APC.Hope that helps

Keith Harrison
08-21-2008, 06:43 AM
Menz/flex is top notch. I've use P21S 100% Carn. and it is good. From all my research though Souveran and Fuzion are better. I just received my Fuzion yesterday but haven't used it. Have P21 on my car now so I will soon know for sure but not in time for your order tonight.

The P21S 100% kit that I bought did introduce me to an excellent wheel cleaner and Paint Cleanser so the overall purchase was a good thing. But if I was just buying paste wax today I would do 1 of the other 2. Of course both cost a little more than P21...

08-21-2008, 10:44 AM
thanx for replys so far im going to order the flex tonight for sure... should i order any other polishers or no? as for wax, i guess im going to try out the fuzion.

whats a safe way to clean headliner seats etc n carpets. how do you they shampoo it at the detail shop? just bocket of solution n stick a brush in n start washing then vacuum up the water?

Matt S.
08-21-2008, 11:07 AM
That's easily one of the best kits we sell....as far as cleaning headliner, steam is usually the best way.

08-21-2008, 03:34 PM
okey im 100% on ordering the kit :) im really excited :P, headliner? steam? whats a good steamer to buy n is it safe to use on seats and everything alse. also will it remove odor from the car.

i had a friend ask me to clean his car his pop exploded in the car from the heat :S and it was on the headliner n seats n carpet n it smelt sooooooooo bad it was terrible, how could i clean it for him? give me links to products etc, n walk me through the process please. if you guys can give me products that would work on almost everything not just pop :P

sorry for all the questions :) haha Feed back please

08-21-2008, 03:55 PM
that kit should be called Scott's kit ... I offer it daily on the corvetteforum and my clear favorite for buffer and polishes.

08-21-2008, 05:27 PM
okey im 100% on ordering the kit :) im really excited :P, headliner? steam? whats a good steamer to buy n is it safe to use on seats and everything alse. also will it remove odor from the car.

i had a friend ask me to clean his car his pop exploded in the car from the heat :S and it was on the headliner n seats n carpet n it smelt sooooooooo bad it was terrible, how could i clean it for him? give me links to products etc, n walk me through the process please. if you guys can give me products that would work on almost everything not just pop :P

sorry for all the questions :) haha Feed back please

Dude do some searching too. All the info you want is floating around on here already. And a lot of the how to guides on the store site are top notch. Give those a shot. And as far as a carpet cleaner, Folex, get it at Home Depot.

08-21-2008, 08:37 PM
okay sorry :( just dont have as much time as i did before for research, went on vecation to ukraine n now im working my ass off get done work at 12am so too tired to sit on computer... but i guess on my day off ill just stay home n do reaserch

thanks to everyone for all info and i will post a my first show n shine as soon as i get the kit here :)