View Full Version : Claying Question

08-17-2008, 03:33 PM
Yesterday I cleaned my Xterra after way too long of not even getting a chance to wash it.
Anyway, I noticed what looked like some paint or hardened bug guts were transferred onto my driver's side fender. During my washing with Meg's GC and my Schmitt, using the yellow backside of the Schmitt did nothing to remove it. I then tried my Pinnacle Bug Sponge and even with decent pressure it did nothing. So I pulled out the clay and diluted clay lube and sprayed generously while the clay glided back and forth rather smoothly over the area. This was kind of surprising that the clay didn't catch at all and didn't remove anything until I added a lot of pressure. When I starting putting enough weight on the clay that it became super thin, that's when it actually started to remove the gunk.
I thought you were not supposed to need any pressure with clay. What should I do and what product(s) should I use if something like this happens again? I do not have any mechanical detailing tools other than my arm, so polishes I guess are out of the question :D

Keith Harrison
08-17-2008, 03:51 PM
For paint, I have used Goof Off very successfully. (probably would work on bugs also) I use it very sparingly because it is strong, but I had some white overspray not to long ago and after all else failed, I put a little Goof Off on a MF and it melted right off. Cleaned it and reapplied wax. Just this morning I had an unknown stain on my rims and again after all else failed, I used Goof Off and it wiped right off.

It is strong but effective, just clean the surface afterwards so no lingering product is left to sit.

08-17-2008, 05:10 PM
PB Bug Squash diluted 3:1 combined with your Bug Sponge should do what you need.

08-17-2008, 06:16 PM
Thanks for the tips. I don't have Bug Squash but I did try another bug and tar remover which didn't seem to do anything (forgot to mention that).
Goof Off huh? I have that and Goo Gone as well but didn't even think to try it. Thanks.

One more thing with the clay is that I had to again apply a lot of pressure to some spots on my hood. They looked like they might have been tar or similar but could not really be felt by hand. That is why I figured maybe it got into the clear pretty good but the only way to remove was lots of pressure on the clay. Can clay lose its ability to grab after a while?

08-18-2008, 05:57 PM
clay needs to be kneeded (is that a word) often, but doesnt really loose it grip necessarily. When its discolored and lodged with dirt and contaminents its usually time to replace. Thats why I like the old Pinnacle Poly Clay and the new Ultra, it comes in smaller bars. Pop open a new one ...

08-19-2008, 07:52 PM
Not sure if I have seen this before, so I thought I would share. When I have something that like you said and nothing I have seems to remove it (Bug Squash, clay, Klasse AIO, etc), I break out with one of these: Wolfgang German Polish N’ Wax Applicator has two sides of premium foam in one awesome applicator! (http://www.autogeek.net/german-applicator-pad.html)

and use XMT360 by hand and that always works to remove.

08-21-2008, 05:53 PM
Not sure if I have seen this before, so I thought I would share. When I have something that like you said and nothing I have seems to remove it (Bug Squash, clay, Klasse AIO, etc), I break out with one of these: Wolfgang German Polish N’ Wax Applicator has two sides of premium foam in one awesome applicator! (http://www.autogeek.net/german-applicator-pad.html)

and use XMT360 by hand and that always works to remove.

This looks interesting...polishing by hand with an applicator same as machine pads huh? Pretty cool. I am just curious though about what results will be if I am only using this as a spot treatment, not doing the entire vehicle like I always see when using random orbital or rotary polishers. Have you noticed any differences between hand polished areas and the rest of the unpolished areas on your vehicle?