View Full Version : All in one ???

08-09-2008, 10:04 AM
Hi everyone,
I see in many posts the use for an All In One or AIO..What exactly is an all in one. What makes up the all ????
When is good time to use it ?
Still pretty new to this whole thing but learning alot from reading all this great info.
Many more ?'s to follow I'm sure.

08-09-2008, 01:32 PM
An all in one, or AIO, is a product that aims to compress the kind of work that would normally comprise a several step process into one simple step...so in terms of paint surface care one would usually wash the car first then use an all in one, or AIO that simultaneously cleans the paint by removing some of the gunk that wouldn't simply wash off, beautifies the finish by polishing it, and finally, leaves behind some degree of protection against weathering.

AIO's can be a good place to start if you're just getting into detailing and your car is a daily driver. It's where most of us started, anyhow. As you become more experienced though, you'll find that a multi step process....typically washing, claying, cleaning/polishing, and protecting, and in that order......is really the way to go. The multi step process, though much more time consuming and requiring more skill, almost always leaves the paint looking more radiant as well as instilling a more durable layer of protection.

Oh...and just in case you were curious, there's also a product that's actually called All In One, or AIO. Sometimes you'll see this in posts and it's the specific product to which the poster is actually referring. A little bit confusing...but there it is.

Best of luck getting started in the detailing world.

08-09-2008, 08:17 PM
An all in one, or AIO, is a product that aims to compress the kind of work that would normally comprise a several step process into one simple step...so in terms of paint surface care one would usually wash the car first then use an all in one, or AIO that simultaneously cleans the paint by removing some of the gunk that wouldn't simply wash off, beautifies the finish by polishing it, and finally, leaves behind some degree of protection against weathering.

AIO's can be a good place to start if you're just getting into detailing and your car is a daily driver. It's where most of us started, anyhow. As you become more experienced though, you'll find that a multi step process....typically washing, claying, cleaning/polishing, and protecting, and in that order......is really the way to go. The multi step process, though much more time consuming and requiring more skill, almost always leaves the paint looking more radiant as well as instilling a more durable layer of protection.

Oh...and just in case you were curious, there's also a product that's actually called All In One, or AIO. Sometimes you'll see this in posts and it's the specific product to which the poster is actually referring. A little bit confusing...but there it is.

Best of luck getting started in the detailing world.

:whs: The AIO that is often referred to is Klasse AIO, also called KAIO. There's alot offerings, PB's PWS (Polish with Sealant), XMT 360, etc... The only one I've used so far is KAIO, but I have some PWS that I'll probably be finally using on my Mother in Law's car in a couple of weeks.

08-10-2008, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the info....I guess I'll stick with my P/W cleanse and liq sov wax routine I've been doing..I was just checking to see if I was missing any steps or could benefit from an all in one.
Thanks Alot !!!!

08-10-2008, 05:25 PM
AIO's originally got their name from all those products on shelve that claim to do everything for you in one shot. Most are ok, and several boutique products (XMT360, Klasse AIO, Poliseal) are better but still cannot specialize in each area of detailing specifically.