View Full Version : Swirls with System One Polish

Upwardly Mobile Detailing
07-31-2008, 08:35 PM
Hey, I have been using system one polish for a couple months now and I am still getting swirls, especially on the darker cars. I have tried different pads and speed combinations. I have also used their wool/foam combo pad. Has anyone else had a problem with System One or does anybody have some helpful information. Anything would be greatly appreciated.

Totoland Mach
07-31-2008, 09:01 PM
It appears from the wording that you might not be working the product long enough or the wool is getting caked with product.

I work the System One polish until it is clear and dry. No residue or haze at all.

Next (and probably the most important): On the wool pad, use a cleaning spur often...very often. I clean the wool after each 2' x 2' work area (and that goes for any compound used with wool). I have a pad washer and use that after every major panel is complete i.e. Hood, doors, trunk.

If you are using foam as a cutting tool, swap them out and keep them clean as well. Too often, I've produced my very own swirls from caked product.

Hope that helps.


Upwardly Mobile Detailing
07-31-2008, 10:55 PM
Thanks for quick responses. I really admire your work Toto. I us a wet microfiber towel to clean the pads, but I may not be working it in long enough. I usually do a few slow passes and then move on. I have used the edge green, blue and white waffle pads and get almost the same results with each one. Should I start with the wool and then move to foam. I have seen demos from system one and the guy told me that you can't always get the paint perfectly swirl free, but I also have seen your cars.

Totoland Mach
08-01-2008, 06:00 AM
When I use a foam pad and want to clean it, I either use the pad washer (pretty expensive for just an individual doing a single car) OR rinse it in running tap water. After the rinse, I compress the pad to remove most of the excess water, then take a clean terry towel and place the pad inside the towel. Then, I stand on the towel to squeeze the remaining water out and let it air dry.

You can do the same with wool, but it won't dry as fast.

Yes, I would start with wool and work a 2' x 2' section. Personally, I play it safe on the pressure applied to the rotary and make multiple passes to complete my work. The dealer here has 25+ years of BMW paint knowledge and uses far more pressure with less passes than I do. But the results are the same.

Try the following:

Less product, clean pads, work a section until complete slowly, then switch to a softer foam.
