View Full Version : Taping Off before Polishing

Keith Harrison
07-25-2008, 08:30 PM
Got my Flex, pads, Menz products this week and starting my first ever machine polish in the morning. Washed late this evening so I can start first thing... So I have seen some great before/after pictures and good recommendations etc on this forum. Very helpful!!

But, one thing that is lacking in most picture sets is what to tape off. I have found a few and they vary greatly. Some with basically no tape and some with tape on most seams. Interestingly, in some of the ones with seams, there seems to be a pretty wide streak of paint on either side of the seam that is taped also. I would think this would leave a strip of swirls close to the seam.

Anyway, I'm looking for some guidance on what to tape off esp. related to the seams. Some things are obvious, plastic trim, windows, etc but I can only assume that taping off the seam would disallow polish product to get into areas hard to clean after the fact. That said I would also think too much tape = strips of paint not polished.

One other question. What, if anything, is good to put on alloy wheels after they have been cleaned well? I use P21s Gel and love it but would like to make it even easier if possible to keep the rim clean with some sort of wax or something. And finally talking about wheels, any recommendations on tools that will easily reach inside of the deep rims behind the spokes? Maybe a tool that can be hooked to my drill or something. Don't want to harm the rim but doing it with a sponge through the spokes is killing me...

My avatar is my car so it gives an image of my rims.

Thanks all!!


Feed back please

07-25-2008, 11:23 PM
Wheels- You can use either a wheel wax like PB or DP. Personally with the design of your wheels I would do Optimums Opti-Seal to make live easy. Wipe on and walk away no buffing needed. To reach the back with out removing them you have 2 options
EZ Detail Motorcycle Brush a safe, no scratch wash tool for your bike or vehicle. (http://www.autogeek.net/ezbrush.html)
or google Excel Detail (Patric is a great vendor) and he carries the Ace Powerstick. Hooks up to your drill and uses (I think) felt flaps to clean (with a wheel cleaner/car soap of course). It is a bit pricey though, here's a pic

07-25-2008, 11:24 PM
Nice car you have there. Starting with the wheels they do sell those powerball sort of polishing balls that attach to any cordless drill. They are supposed to work well. I would say that with a Flex, assuming the orbital and not the rotary, you would be most concerned with taping off any plastic trim or other moldings that you don't want to mar with the polisher. Usually concern with door edges and the like is limited to rotary polishers where thin paint on the edges can be damaged very quickly with rotary polisher. As for wheel sealand how about PB Wheel Wax. I know that RainX makes a spray but the PB is more durable and less messy since it doesn't mist everywhere. Good luck on your polishing and be sure to post some pics.


Keith Harrison
07-26-2008, 07:49 AM
That Powerstick has my name all over it! Thanks. There website has videos of use just FYI. Video Demos (http://www.acepowerstick.com/Video_Demos.html)

The disparity in taping makes more sense now. I do have the orbital so sounds like I don't have to tape quite so much which is just fine with me.

Thanks guys!

07-26-2008, 09:31 AM
Can't wait to see your pics afterwards. I tape off all trim pieces that will stain if the polish touches them such as around windows, moon roof, some plastic trim around the wheels, lower panels etc. Around the wiper blades, some door handles, window washer sprayers on the hood (the holes can easily get clogged with polish or wax if not careful so I just tape them off completely). I never tape seems for the exact reason you mentioned...then you would have swirls 1/4" of each side of the seam and that would look ridiculous. Now please be careful with the Flex around your head lights. YOU CAN EASILY BURN PAINT with the flex when going over sharp corners and weird angles. If you have a clear bra be careful around the weird angles as well cause you can cause the edge of the bra to lift slightly and it looks like paint burn. This is only a concern in really tight areas or drastic angles, not flat or rounded surfaces, so just be careful and watch your pad if you have to go with some crazy angles in tight spots (Mostly a concern with a cutting pad and Compound..not even an issue if you are using a very light/no cutting pad and a finishing polish). Good Luck, remember not to go crazy with the amount of Polish you use and enjoy the FLex. It's a nice machine.

Keith Harrison
07-26-2008, 07:03 PM
Ok so a few asked for pix so here goes. I don't have any before pix unfortunately because 3 bottles of wine last night dictated a later start than I had hoped for. Can you say sweating like a madman today!

I used the flex of course with SIP on White and then Nano on Blue. Man that SIP must have pixie dust in it because swirls come off like magic! Coolest damn thing I've seen. Wish I knew about all this when I had my red Vette. It had swirls out the yingyang when I sold it.

LSP was P21S 100% Carn. Tires are Meg. Endurance.

Thanks so much to everyone on this forum that are active. I would have never had the balls to even try this if it were not for all the info here making me feel comfortable that I was not going to ruin my paint. Seems silly now but without proper info 1. you can screw up and 2. you are terrified of placing a spinning object up against paint....

Anyways, a few pix. Hope you enjoy.











07-26-2008, 07:25 PM
That last hood shot looks outstanding.

07-26-2008, 07:28 PM
Sweet ride Keith, pics look good.


07-26-2008, 07:39 PM
Great job, glad to see everything worked out for you.

Keith Harrison
07-26-2008, 08:51 PM
That last hood shot looks outstanding.

Thanks thats my fav also. Wierd very clear day, not too much to reflect in the pictures so I finally got an angle that really showed how well the hood really looks.

I'm stoked!