View Full Version : Wax or not to wax? Chrome wheels

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07-30-2006, 01:13 PM
I just bought some new chrome wheels for my truck. I have been researching the internet on how to maintain and protect them. I am confused. It has been unanimous that cleaning should be done with soap and water. As for protection, I have been reading conflicting advice. I have read about every wheel sealant. Pb's, DP, Wheelwax. I've also read that Klasse works well too. All of these I'm sure will help protect against brake dust, salt, etc. On the other hand, I've read that chrome needs to breathe and waxing will ruin the finish. I've added a couple links to the articles I've read. I've also emailed every company and detailer I can find. (no responses yet) Zymol.com recommends.... A simple and very effective way to protect chrome is to use non-silicone, water based Carnauba sap dressings like Zymöl Detail (http://www.zymol.com/newprods.htm)™ or Field Glaze (http://www.zymol.com/fglaze2.htm). Has anyone used these products? Are there any onther Non-silicone, water based carnauba sap dressings that someone could recommed? Thank you in advance for your help.

16. THE SHINING: Never wax chrome. Chrome needs oxygen to keep its appearance. Wax traps moisture and can cause unsightly bluing and pitting. Clean chrome with a good pre-wax cleaner and leave it alone.


07-30-2006, 01:16 PM
I use Klasse AIO and love the results on my chorme wheels. They look very reflective and shiny, and AIO has great durbailty so far. I don't even have any water spots on my after all the rain and crap my truck has been through. Repels dirt/grime pretty well too.

07-30-2006, 01:19 PM
I use Klasse AIO and love the results on my chorme wheels. They look very reflective and shiny, and AIO has great durbailty so far. I don't even have any water spots on my after all the rain and crap my truck has been through. Repels dirt/grime pretty well too.

Is this product Non-silicone, water based carnauba sap?
Will it allow the chrome to breathe? Thanks

07-30-2006, 01:28 PM
Klasse AIO is a chemical cleaner that leaves behind some acrylic protection. But seems to fit this qoute in your post "Clean chrome with a good pre-wax cleaner and leave it alone."

07-30-2006, 01:37 PM
I never heard that Chrome needs to breathe .... seems like hogwash. I have had more than 10 sets of custom wheels, most chrome, and never had an issue with them. I clean them, polish them with chrome cleaner, and have coated with all three products you mentioned. Wax cannot handle the heat wheels see, so I stuck with the sealants. (Poorboys , DP)

I can tell you after having high-polished uncoated, I will NEVER get them again. Back to chrome .... the biggest issue with chrome is it can pit if not cleaned properly as brake dust is highly caustic. Also road debris can chip chrome and it then takes on smaller rust spots. Thats why I always used the sealants, in hope a little extra protection would help.

07-30-2006, 03:33 PM
I never heard that Chrome needs to breathe .... seems like hogwash. I have had more than 10 sets of custom wheels, most chrome, and never had an issue with them. I clean them, polish them with chrome cleaner, and have coated with all three products you mentioned. Wax cannot handle the heat wheels see, so I stuck with the sealants. (Poorboys , DP)

I can tell you after having high-polished uncoated, I will NEVER get them again. Back to chrome .... the biggest issue with chrome is it can pit if not cleaned properly as brake dust is highly caustic. Also road debris can chip chrome and it then takes on smaller rust spots. Thats why I always used the sealants, in hope a little extra protection would help.

Do you recommend DP WG, or Poorboys WS? My chrome wheels are new.
Also, I've read in the forums that Klasse SG works well. I have not tried any of these products yet. I just ordered Klasse AIO and SG. Will the Klasse be good protection or should I get one of the wheel sealants as well? Thank you.

07-30-2006, 03:42 PM
Well, I know that Zymol is correct from my experience in testing coatings such as chrome for the auto industry. However, I have never performed a corrosion test with the purpose of detecting this difference. Also, most chrome wheels are clear coated, so they don't get oxygen to them anyway.

I'll find a scrap piece of chrome somewhere and put it in the 240 hr salt spray corrosion test with wax / seal / bare to see the difference.

This test will take me a little time, as I need to locate a suitable test piece. I may stop by a junkyard this week to get a sample, as I don't work with a company that does chrome plating anymore.

Darren F
07-30-2006, 04:06 PM
what about a product like Prime Acrylic? An AIO with acrylic for added durability

07-30-2006, 04:07 PM
Well, I know that Zymol is correct from my experience in testing coatings such as chrome for the auto industry. However, I have never performed a corrosion test with the purpose of detecting this difference. Also, most chrome wheels are clear coated, so they don't get oxygen to them anyway.

I'll find a scrap piece of chrome somewhere and put it in the 240 hr salt spray corrosion test with wax / seal / bare to see the difference.

This test will take me a little time, as I need to locate a suitable test piece. I may stop by a junkyard this week to get a sample, as I don't work with a company that does chrome plating anymore.

The results of your test should be interesting and I'm sure appreciated by many on this board!

07-30-2006, 10:40 PM
Well, I know that Zymol is correct from my experience in testing coatings such as chrome for the auto industry. However, I have never performed a corrosion test with the purpose of detecting this difference. Also, most chrome wheels are clear coated, so they don't get oxygen to them anyway.

I'll find a scrap piece of chrome somewhere and put it in the 240 hr salt spray corrosion test with wax / seal / bare to see the difference.

This test will take me a little time, as I need to locate a suitable test piece. I may stop by a junkyard this week to get a sample, as I don't work with a company that does chrome plating anymore.

Oh man, that would be great!!! I can't wait to see the results. I have been driving myself crazy trying to get the right information. I'd say half of the companies I have emailed say it's ok to use a sealant and the other half says not to use a sealant. It will be great to find out the results of your test.:cheers:

Bus Washer #24
07-30-2006, 10:46 PM
be sure when you get your tires rotted and balanced that they do not put the weights on the outside facew of the rim they can put the weights on the inside only

putting weights on the outsides will cause corrosion and no wax or polish will fix that

07-30-2006, 11:53 PM
Good point about the weights. Use caution though. If your car came with "clip on" weights which damage the paint then you need to remember to touch up the places where the old weights were removed or it will corrode. Also, balance weights are usually required on both sides of the wheel. This is a functional issue, not something they have a choice with, and the shop may not be able to correctly balance the wheel and tire if you only let them put the weights on the inside. This could result in bad vibration.

The only way around this problem is to use adhesive weights on the inboard section of the rim where you can't see them, meaning that their balancer must be set up for this. Most custom shops do this with every set of wheels, so they'll be used to it. Just call and ask BEFORE going to any shop. Once you're there, its too late if they can't do it.

07-31-2006, 12:02 AM
I think I'll buy a couple of those cheap sockets sold at the auto store and coat each one with something different. They would make good test pieces I think.

Send me small samples of what you want tested and I'll do the test and take photos of the results. My products to use for this are limited right now. PM me and I'll send you my address.

08-01-2006, 09:40 PM

I found a perfect sample. It is a newly plated sample so it will be perfect.

I will try some Wolfgang sealer on it. If anyone would like me to try a specific product, send me a small sample and I'll put each product on a spoke and run it through the corrosion test. PM me if you are interested.

I'll take photos each 24 hrs to see the changes.


08-01-2006, 11:45 PM

I found a perfect sample. It is a newly plated sample so it will be perfect.

I will try some Wolfgang sealer on it. If anyone would like me to try a specific product, send me a small sample and I'll put each product on a spoke and run it through the corrosion test. PM me if you are interested.

I'll take photos each 24 hrs to see the changes.


Wolfgang is perfect. That is what I use on my truck. Thanks!!