View Full Version : white wheels

07-09-2008, 09:09 PM
so i have the dumbest designed wheels ever on my car.... guess if it was anybody else car i could figure it out in a heartbeat, but no, have to get stumped on my own car.

wheel cleaners and a wheel brush only go so far with my wheels. Its getting into the hard to reach spots.

wish i could post a picture, but dont have one. If anyone reading this and has had to deal with a white painted (non clear coated) wheel you would know exactly what im talking about.

The only way is see possible is to take about 100 or so q-tips per wheels and just take some heavy duty degreaser and just getting it done to say the least. But im sure there is an easier way. To say the least, its easy to get the brake dust off, its the dirt and grime that has burried itself in my paint that i cannot get off in the hard to reach places.

Even the wheel cleaners i have used, i still have to scrube them, and i mean elbow grease time 10 to get the stuff off the easy to get to spots on my wheels.

sucks, because i really am ready to take the things off and put some sealent on them and just be able to clean them regularly and throw some spray wax on them everytime i do.

Have to get them clean first. wish acid was an option, but its not...

any input would be nice :D

07-09-2008, 11:38 PM
P21S Gel Wheel Cleaner is safe on any wheel plus you can let it dwell on your wheel awhile. Combine that with some agitation from an "EZ Detail" brush that will get hard to reach areas.

07-10-2008, 12:23 AM
Poorboys spray and wipe was the first thing that popped into my head.

Poorboy’s Spray and Rinse Wheel Cleaner 32 oz: Poorboy’s Wheel Cleaner is an aggressive citrus cleaner. poorboys wheel cleaner, one step wheel (http://www.autogeek.net/pbsrwc32.html)

07-10-2008, 04:15 PM
painted wheels are just like clearcoated wheels, just no pigment in the paint. You can use Poorboys Spray/Rinse with nice results but heed the directions and dont use weekly.

07-10-2008, 07:59 PM
let me elaborate on my whole wheel cleaning experience though. Ive used numerous paint cleaners, wheel cleaners, windex, degreasers, ive even lightly steam cleaned the things, pressure washed, scrubbed with a toothbrush... come to think about it the paint on my wheels is very durable lol

glad you all have pointed me to the poorboys though. if it doesnt work on my car then i can always make it work on someone elses car lol

We will give it a shot!! trust me im prepared to soak the whole fn bottle on one wheel if i have to :D

guess ill try steaming them again.... just have to put some time into it this go around.

thanks guys... ill keep yall updated on project fn white wheels!!! lol

on a side note, anyone have any good results polishing a single stage white paint job? ive seen the pictures of some white cars, but they look newer dated and might have clear coat. honda frost white paint at that if anyone has al ink that would be great

07-10-2008, 08:07 PM
let me elaborate on my whole wheel cleaning experience though. Ive used numerous paint cleaners, wheel cleaners, windex, degreasers, ive even lightly steam cleaned the things, pressure washed, scrubbed with a toothbrush... come to think about it the paint on my wheels is very durable lol

glad you all have pointed me to the poorboys though. if it doesnt work on my car then i can always make it work on someone elses car lol

We will give it a shot!! trust me im prepared to soak the whole fn bottle on one wheel if i have to :D

guess ill try steaming them again.... just have to put some time into it this go around.

thanks guys... ill keep yall updated on project fn white wheels!!! lol

on a side note, anyone have any good results polishing a single stage white paint job? ive seen the pictures of some white cars, but they look newer dated and might have clear coat. honda frost white paint at that if anyone has al ink that would be great

07-10-2008, 11:29 PM
Remove the wheels and clean them thoroughly, from there they should be easily cleaned with just soap and water. I've also found Optimums Opti seal works great and is super easy to use on wheels.

07-10-2008, 11:54 PM
thanks for the chime in... been there and done that.... alot easier but still no great results. I plan on doing that again when i can finally find a way to get them clean again.... clean enough to know that taking that extra step to take them off and do it properly i will be able to clean them then put some dg 105 and call it a day.

btw that pic is making me want to play twisted metal again.... loved that game