View Full Version : Need recommendation on DA polisher

07-09-2008, 10:52 AM
I'm interested in purchasing a DA polisher to be used on my 1 year old car. I currently have a black & decker (don't laugh, it was a gift quite a while ago!) random orbital, but it doesn't have any power if you put any pressure on it at all...it just stops spinning and tries to shake out of your hand. I would be using the polisher to remover swirl marks and just general polishing/waxing. I'm trying to decide between the PC, G110, or Flex. I'm not sure if I can justify the money for the Flex (meaning I can't talk my wife into it). So, understanding that the Flex is the better unit, which would be better for me between the G110, and the PC (if the Flex isn't an option)? I like to wax the car frequently during the summer (once a month or so), but usually do it by hand. I've noticed the last time I waxed that there are quite a few swirl marks in the paint. My buddy loaned my his rotary, and I tried it on my 99 Taurus, but I don't feel confident taking it to a 1 year old car. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

07-09-2008, 11:12 AM
I have a PC 7424, so far so good. If I had more money to spend I would have picked up the Flex, I have heard some great things bout the Flex.

07-09-2008, 11:33 AM
I have a rotary, flex and pc. I still find many uses for the pc and will always keep this in my arsenal. So if your budget only allows for a pc then go for it, you won't regret it.

07-09-2008, 01:49 PM
Can you put some pressure on the PC and G110 without bogging them down? Any pressure that I try to put on the B&D just causes it to bog.

07-09-2008, 03:18 PM
Depends on the size of the pad, the bigger the pad the more it will bog down with pressure applied. I find the 5.5 inch pads work well with the pc.

07-09-2008, 05:05 PM
get the Flex ... otherwise you will want to upgrade from the PC/UDM all to quickly. If I had them both available at same time, I would have gone Flex.

07-09-2008, 05:33 PM
I'm not sure if I can justify the money for the Flex (meaning I can't talk my wife into it). So, understanding that the Flex is the better unit, which would be better for me between the G110, and the PC (if the Flex isn't an option)?

get the Flex ... otherwise you will want to upgrade from the PC/UDM all to quickly. If I had them both available at same time, I would have gone Flex.

Did you read the OP? He already knows that the flex is better but wants to know what to get if he can't talk his wife into letting him spend the money for a flex. That is why I recommended the pc since it is proving and still used by many (including myself and I own a flex).

07-09-2008, 05:48 PM
I can read ... and I can tell you about regrets and additional wants. Why not spend a little more and be satisfied, versus giving the wife a hard time because she didnt see the "value" in the better unit.

07-09-2008, 06:35 PM
Just save up and get the flex as the wifie will be uber pissed when you tell her how you cant stand how long it takes with a pc to polish the car and want to buy something much better and much faster.

07-09-2008, 06:38 PM
If you decide you do not want to go Flex route and have to decide between PC/UDM/G110 I would go for G110. IMHO and IMHE it is better. More power, does not bog down, less vibrations and less noise is my opinion of it / experiece with it.

Even if you later decide you want Flex G110 will not become redundant. You can use it for carpets, spots, wax application/removal, stuff that Flex does not lend itself to.

I have both PC and Flex and that is what I do.

Thanks ZoranC,
That's exactly what I wanted to know. I'd love the Flex, but I just spent a good buck on a better sound system so she's not really in the giving mood if you know what I mean!

07-09-2008, 06:45 PM
Just save up and get the flex as the wifie will be uber pissed when you tell her how you cant stand how long it takes with a pc to polish the car and want to buy something much better and much faster.

Problem is, my wife sees the car as a means of getting where you are going, and that is all. She does not understand why I would want to spend 4 hours washing/waxing a car that is only going to get dirty again. Let alone, that I want to spend $300 on a tool to help take the swirls out of the paint (which she could care less about) There is a reason that I don't take her shopping with me ;). I don't believe she has ever waxed a car in her life, so it's easy for her to say "You don't need that!" I"ll wait a while longer and see how much I can save up (tough to do with 2 little ones at home!)... I've found in the 14 years I've been married that it's much better to beg forgiveness, than to ask permission!!! How many times has she heard me say "I didn't ask if I could buy it because you would say "NO" and I would buy it anyway. So I figured I'd save the first argument and jump right to the 'why did you buy that' argument". I only do it with her in mind :D

07-09-2008, 08:05 PM
tell her its the difference between a discount handbag at Ross, and a Donney and Burke. She'll understand !

07-09-2008, 10:31 PM
tell her its the difference between a discount handbag at Ross, and a Donney and Burke. She'll understand !

Now that's a good idea! I could also subscribe to her way of shopping...I wait till it goes on sale, then tell her how much I saved instead of how much I spent!