View Full Version : How to remove cone marks?

07-02-2008, 06:13 PM
Like the title says I have a customer that competes heavily in autox and is going to have me detail his car when the season is over. He wanted me to try to remove some of them to see what could be done and I figured a clay bar would do it and it did, but to a certain extent. There was still a good bit of the marks left. What would ya'll recommend?

07-02-2008, 06:35 PM
most likely a light abbrasive polish or cleaner polish or combo of both.

07-02-2008, 06:40 PM
A chemical type paint cleaner like PB Professional Polish should get the rest. I take it no scratches.

07-02-2008, 08:31 PM
A chemical type paint cleaner like PB Professional Polish should get the rest. I take it no scratches.
Doesn't seem to be any. I've got some PB pro polish, so when I get to his car I'll use that.

07-03-2008, 08:33 AM
Doesn't seem to be any. I've got some PB pro polish, so when I get to his car I'll use that.

That should do the trick. If that doesn't seem to work, try different applicators, MF towel, foam pad, PC, terry cloth towel, etc.