View Full Version : Some photos from the NC Meet, and some reviews

06-16-2008, 11:03 AM
So we had the NC Detail Meet June 7th, and I have gotten a chance to post up pics and reviews. Anyone else that has any reviews of the products we used and any more pictures (TIM lol:tribe:), feel free to add them in this thread.

Ok, background. We had 8 people attend, and did it in my 60x40 A/C'd garage in the 100* heat. Had the garage at a cool 79*, quite a feat in the 100* heat wave that NC had that week.


Tims E36 M3 (black) in the garage to be the "test mule". Had some moderate swirling and some bird bomb etching that we thought would be cool to take care of. So JuneBug and I set out to ONR the car. I had the Shmitt in hand, with a warm 2.5gal of ONR, and June had the Guzzler following behind me. We then inspected the surface to find this.......


Moderate swirling to say the least, but we taped off a couple sections to demo on. We did not have enough time to do the whole car, so we stuck to the sides (in squares lol) and hood/trunk.

After a hit of System One with Foamed Wool via rotary we came up with this.


We also did a similar section with M95 and while the results were the same, M95 was much easier to work and just "looked" deeper and darker.

I proceeded to do a section of hood with the New Pinnacle Twins polishes via UDM and a orange 5.5" light cut pad. Came up with these results.... (Wolfgang bottle for comparison, side was done with Pinnacle, dont worry lol:LOLOL)


Then MartinD set out to perfect the front left fender with some Extreme Cut/PO106FF on a Megs Burgandy with a Makita. He got the front fender to look perfect. He followed the cutting step with Pinnacles New Advanced Finishing Polish.....


JuneBug then used a 1Z polish (the name leaves me) via UDM and a 5.5" Light cut pad on the hood....


I then hit a part of the hood with Wolfgangs new Polish Twins (SIP and PO106FF IMO) via UDM and a 5.5" light cut pad


The trunk was then hit with some System One on a Foamed Wool and followed with some Wolfgang finish glaze.


After polishing a couple sections and having a little fun, MartinD and JuneBug Decided to get a little wetsanding done. (much to the dismay of the owner:cry:)

Headlights done with 2000grit (no afters). This cleaned up with some Megs #84 followed by Wolfgang Finish on a Cyclo pad and rotary.


Bird Bomb Etching done with 2000grit. This cleaned up with some #105 on Foamed Wool via rotary. The funniest part that day was this moment. The owner was standing over the wetsanding spot going :scared::cry::sadpace: lol. MartinD knew what he was doing and just keep going for perfection, and eventually got the bird etching to about 80% done.


More to come......................

06-16-2008, 11:04 AM
Ok, so some reviews,

Wolfgang Twins- These are really SIP and PO106FF anyway IMO. Maybe a slight difference, but not much. They work awesome and finish great, what can I say, SIP and PO106 are already some of the most popular polishes available.

Pinnacle Twins- These products REALLY impressed me. The swirl remover worked effectivly at removing almost anything in it's path. It's ease of use and flawless looks itself are awesome. Really easy to use on PC/UDM and finishes awesome. The finishing polish is the same story. AWESOME looks (great to put Souveran over) and ease of use. I WILL be buying these when the time comes, and I encourage anyone that needs a new swirl/finish polish to check these out. At the prices offered, they are really a bargain.

System One- I was sent a sample 8oz System One Polish. It removed any swirls as good as M95, and worked really well. Easy to use and very versitile. M95 "looked" or "finished" a little better on the cut step, but you cant use M95 as a polish like you can System One

Eco-Touch- I used the interior cleaner. I was awed by this product. It's every bit as good as something like Enzittes CP, but without the price. Cleans really well and leaves an awesome gloss-free finish on any interior part.

Cobra Cross Cut pads- These pads really impressed me via rotary. Honestly, on PC I prefer the 5.5" pads (these are 6.5), but rotary use was eased with these pads. The rotary was much easier to control with these pads on, and splatter was not an issue. I will be getting these pads again when the time comes.

Ok guys, so that in a summary was the NC Meet. We hope we can have more show next time, and maybe we can do this more than once a year!!!:hm:chuckle:

Oh, and we do have to thank AG for help with this event. They were kind enough to send us "small town guys" some products to use and try during the event. They sent the Pinnacle, System One, Cobra, Wolfgang and Eco Touch products. The meet would not have been as eventful or cool had it not been for you guys!!!!!

06-16-2008, 11:34 AM
Glad you got to try out those products Brandon, looks like you all had fun! Happy to have been able to help out.

06-16-2008, 12:31 PM
Wish I could have made it out there