View Full Version : 1Z Einszett Perls Review

06-08-2008, 07:22 PM
I’m a sucker for new products, especially car wash soap/ shampoo. So when a sale comes along I am loathe to resist. The 1 Z Einszett products were on sale so in a weak moment I went for it! I had heard the perls shampoo was no big shakes but I forged ahead undaunted.

Here is what the bottle looks like.


The directions say to use monthly in between your regular soap. I found that kind of odd and wondered if it meant it was going to strip on my wax, but reading the label assured me that it is a “gentle cleaner”. After the wash the water was beading up as well as it was before the wash so I think my wax was safe.

I can’t say I am impressed by this product, but it is not all bad. The smell is not unpleasant but it is nothing like many other shampoos on the market that smell nice.

My car was not dirty so I can’t review the cleaning power. My car has been in the garage and driven little in the past two weeks, however, it did have a layer of dust and some dirt form a drive the day before. My wheels were relatively clean so I did not plan on using the 1 Z Wheel cleaner I got in the same order (more on that later). I started with a bucket using 3 cap full’s of Perls, as per directions, to about 2 gallons of water. It suds up decently but not huge like say PB Super Slick Suds.


As I said, I started out on the wheels. You can see that the first wheel had some decent suds left from the washing, but by the third wheel, the suds where gone. As you can see in the bucket, the suds were almost gone.

First wheel:

Third wheel:

Bucket after 3 wheels:

One wheel had some grime on it that the Perls would not remove despite using a Shmitt Black wheel mitt. So I opened up the new bottle of wheel cleaner.. I liked the way the sprayer works on the wheel cleaner, but the product has a really strong chemical smell. I left it on for a minute or 2 per the instructions and used the Black Shmitt to get the grime off. It did come off but required some scrubbing.

After finishing the wheels, I loaded up the AG Foam Gun. I put in a good amount of Perls in the canister and filled it with water. I set the gun on the highest setting for maximum suds and as you can see the results were somewhat disappointing.


I used a white Shmitt and you can see how little suds where left in these half and half shots.



The good news:
When using the leaf blower to dry off the car the water seemed to roll off easier than normal. Could this be a result of the Perls? I don’t know, but maybe so. The paint looked good after the wash and felt a little slick.

Next I tried the 1Z Detail Spray. This product is a keeper! The soap is okay, but the detail spray is a winner. No surprise as I recall Killr saying as much in previous posts.


The 1Z Detail spray went on with a nice spay pattern and was easy to wipe off. It left a slick finish that I think looked good on the car. I’m looking forward to seeing how it holds up and to using it in follow up quick details.


06-09-2008, 01:05 AM
Nice review. Thank you for doing it. Your car looks great.

06-09-2008, 05:10 PM
Perls does not foam well, not at all like their original wash called Exclusiv. I believe its because it has some of their quick detailer properties in it from the Lackfinish Spray. It does feel lubricated and dried rather well IMO.

06-09-2008, 07:32 PM
Perls does not foam well, not at all like their original wash called Exclusiv. I believe its because it has some of their quick detailer properties in it from the Lackfinish Spray. It does feel lubricated and dried rather well IMO.

That may indeed be right. As I said it seemed to dry easily and left a slick finish. A finish that was enhanced by following up with the Detail Spray.

06-10-2008, 06:49 AM

Thank you for taking the time to do the review. Great pics to illustrate along with the review. I haven't tried Perls yet but I plan on it soon. Just was curious though, I have never seen a fence that high in someone's front yard. Is your neighbor trying to block out the glare from your vehicles? :D

06-10-2008, 05:20 PM
Yes, the water roll off great with this shampoo, the drying process is faster then.

06-10-2008, 07:15 PM
Thank you for taking the time to do the review. Great pics to illustrate along with the review. I haven't tried Perls yet but I plan on it soon. Just was curious though, I have never seen a fence that high in someone's front yard. Is your neighbor trying to block out the glare from your vehicles? :D

LOL! Most people here have 12 foot fences here. I was too cheap to do that so mine is 6' with a 2' base making an 8' fence.

06-21-2008, 12:30 PM
My car has not been driven much since I last washed it with the 1Z Perls. However, I did drive in the rain the other day so it was time to wash!

I tried the Perls again, and I think its growing on me. Still, low suds, but good lubricity and a nice smooth finish.

I used the 1Z wheel cleaner too. The wheels were not very dirty so it is difficult to say if it is a strong cleaner, but it sure smells strong! I don't like the fumes at all!

My leaf blower is broken so I dried with a WW and used the 1Z Lackfinsh as I dried. That stuff works great. Because I started late and the sun was on part of the car I was getting some water spots but the Lackfinish took care of that.

06-23-2008, 12:51 PM
1Z pearls don´t suds but it adds some polymer protection thats for sure. I tested it on my sisters car who had 0 protection. Added some
1Z on my wash mitt and applied it directly to the paint and when I rinsed the car I got some serious sheeting action.

06-29-2008, 07:09 PM
I had a chance to use 1z perls for the second time. I had driven about 1500 miles over the last week so I picked up a lot of bugs along way and water spotting so it needed a quick cleaning.

I was really impressed by its bug removal capability. The bugs on the bumper and windshield just seemed to disappear. It seems to behave more like ONR. It has low suds so it rinses very cleanly with little water and dries nicely with a single towel.

I am with Reddrawf. This is starting to look like something. I had preferred DG 901 but I think this works better. I usually had to use ONR QD strength to remove bugs after 901 or other washes.

06-29-2008, 08:54 PM
I had a chance to use 1z perls for the second time. I had driven about 1500 miles over the last week so I picked up a lot of bugs along way and water spotting so it needed a quick cleaning.

I was really impressed by its bug removal capability. The bugs on the bumper and windshield just seemed to disappear. It seems to behave more like ONR. It has low suds so it rinses very cleanly with little water and dries nicely with a single towel.

I am with Reddrawf. This is starting to look like something. I had preferred DG 901 but I think this works better. I usually had to use ONR QD strength to remove bugs after 901 or other washes.

Good to hear it cleaned the bugs off. I'm really warming up to it and look forward to using it again.