View Full Version : Wet Sanding

07-26-2006, 07:23 AM
I have a 92 Volvo, Black, no clear. I had a detail man using a hypodermic needle fill in some scratches on the side of my car.

I wet sanded with 2000 grit and using my PC7424 buffed out everything and it looks great.

He gave up and did not do the other side (I didnt pay him either).

I went to the dealer and got some matching touch up paint and etched and using a very, very fine paint brush, filled in the scratches on the other side.

My problem now is that I got a bit too aggressive wet sanding with 2000 grit in a couple of small spots and now have a grayish-whiteish color in a few small areas (maybe 1"x1" areas).

My question is can I airbrush these two small areas and the wet sand and buff out.What prep need to be done?

Any options and opinions would be greatly appreciated.


07-26-2006, 07:42 AM