View Full Version : What Tire Dressing after Sealant?

05-31-2008, 03:15 PM
If I use a tire sealant like Ultima Tire can I then top that with a tire dressing? Sort of like we do with paint, in which the LSP gives the shine and wet look while the sealant protects. If yes, the real question is - what is a good non-greasy, non-sling, high gloss and water-based tire dressing? If there such an animal out there?


05-31-2008, 04:25 PM
Not sure about the first part of your question, but I'm a big fan of the Surf City Garage products. Their stuff works pretty well in my opinion.

05-31-2008, 06:41 PM
Surf City and Poorboys Bright/Bold are water based dressings and quite glossy. Why would you want to top the Ultima offering ?? Sounds like it isnt all that special huh ???

05-31-2008, 08:42 PM
DP Gloss Tire Gel.

05-31-2008, 08:55 PM
Wow never heard of that combo before, but who knows til you try it. You might just like it.

05-31-2008, 09:16 PM
Surf City and Poorboys Bright/Bold are water based dressings and quite glossy. Why would you want to top the Ultima offering ?? Sounds like it isnt all that special huh ???

Sorry, this was more of a hypothetical situation as I'm trying to get additional information on how to take care of tires. Right now AA just isn't doing it for me and I read that you can handle tires like paint - clean, seal and then gloss with a dressing. So I really don't know how glossy Ultima is as I just threw that out their since I just read about it. I guess I made the assumption that a sealant for a tire, like a paint, just isn't as glossy as the lsp.......


05-31-2008, 09:24 PM
I use AA tire gel regularly. I don't like a super glossy tire so I wipe it down after applying. On the next wash I just use the applicator with no more product. If you do 2 coats it will get super glossy if thats what you are looking for.

05-31-2008, 09:26 PM
As a user of the Ultima tire and trim product .There is no need for any additional products. You just apply and additional coat or two if you want more shine.Its is really a a nice product.