View Full Version : Just tried out M105! PICS!!!

05-30-2008, 03:05 PM
Just got M105 today and tried it out on my hood. Man, this stuff WORKS! It works fast and cuts through pretty deep RIDS that SIP can't touch. Here's my process and some pics...

M105 + purple wool @ ~1800
106ff + lc blue @ ~1400





Gotta practice some more to perfect it...

Thanks for looking!!!!

05-31-2008, 04:02 PM
Inlighten a noob, whats M105?

05-31-2008, 10:17 PM
is it meguiars mirror glaze 105 ultra cut compound?

05-31-2008, 11:44 PM
is it meguiars mirror glaze 105 ultra cut compound?

indeed it is, sir

06-01-2008, 02:57 PM

06-01-2008, 09:36 PM
I just ordered some 105 myself. Now I need to figure what the best finishing polish should be. I've heard ultrafina, but I'd like to see what else plays well before LSP. Results look pretty solid!

06-01-2008, 11:00 PM
I just ordered some 105 myself. Now I need to figure what the best finishing polish should be. I've heard ultrafina, but I'd like to see what else plays well before LSP. Results look pretty solid!

either 106ff or 85rd... UF is good stuff, never used it though... just from other detailers I trust have said they like it

Totoland Mach
06-02-2008, 06:24 AM

I've tried M105 and can't quite get the process right. After reading your process, I think my rotary was too slow. You are running at 1,800 and I typically run at 1,000 with compounds. My frustration was the product drying too fast and caking on the wool. (I might be using too much). I'm going to try the higher speed on the next car.

Ultrafina is good stuff BUT, it's not a polish IMO. It's a finish after using a polish like Menzerna or others. 3M says to use it after a glaze operation (their terminology for polishing). I use it on all black BMW's after a polishing session.


06-02-2008, 06:38 AM
Toto, I definitely trust your opinion...So would you say it's inaccurate that Ultrafina that cuts the same as 106ff?

Totoland Mach
06-02-2008, 07:20 AM
Toto, I definitely trust your opinion...So would you say it's inaccurate that Ultrafina that cuts the same as 106ff?

I don't think Ultrafina has any cutting properties at all. After watching the 3M instruction video about the product, you only make a couple of passes and wipe the panel. It's very oily and personally, I don't see the benefit (but my dealer "loves" the stuff). 106ff does produce a very nice finish to the harder clear coats versus Ultrafina's oily application.

He claims that Ultrafina is a Swirl Eliminator (that's what it is advertised as), but it's so oily the only way to tell would be an alcohol wipe down.

I just "go with the flow" rather than argue with the dealer LOL.
