View Full Version : Repair Scratched Glass

05-29-2008, 12:13 PM
Hello All – I’ve percolated another question. I’ve been looking perusing the vast offerings of Autogeek products, and while reading about glass repair, I remembered that I have a sliding glass door that is full of tiny scratches from a previous owner’s dog. OK, I’ll admit it; I obsess about it every time I walk by the door (just too cheap to buy a new one).

Have any of you used any auto detailing products for such a task? If so, which products were the most successful? Would Menz 106ff topped off with a sealant be overkill and cause more problems than it’s worth?

05-29-2008, 04:33 PM
Quite awhile ago I talked with a glass guy and they use the same criteria that we do for paint. If you can catch your fingernail on a scratch then it probably can't be removed without changing the optics or integrity if the glass.

05-29-2008, 08:54 PM
Jimmie - Thanks for replying! I tried the Menz 106ff (with the free 5.5 orange pad and my flex 3401) on my glass door, and love the results! There were a few deep scratches, and based on your advice, figured I would not apply more pressure on them than the smaller scratches.

As a matter of fact, the smaller scratches weren't completely removed, because I didn't want to apply more than 2 applications of the polish. Even though they weren't removed, I really have to get close to see them, and the larger scratches don't catch my attention like they did. Now, I can see the dirt on the floor reflecting in the glass (one task at a time). Quite frankly, I'm just glad it didn't mess up the door. I don't think my wife would have let me hear the end of that one. I swear I heard her say under her breathe "at least now we'll get a new door."

<evil laugh> Not today </evil laugh>