View Full Version : JUST got back from the bodyshop!! Need advice...

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Ohio Detailing
05-27-2008, 04:10 PM
After a week of being without my car (for a repair that was quoted to take 1-2 days) I am finally reunited with my car... in a very anticlimatic way unfortunately...

Week long story short: The workmanship on my car wasn't finalized (I have to take pictures to submit here for the forum, and also worse case scenario to the dealership owner or small claims court)

- Upon pickup, the rear quarter which was re-painted and repaired to take out rust and damage sustained on an Arizona highway at 70mph a few months ago; the entire panel was hazed, which I know is normal after paint work, but the owner expected me to 'wax and revive it after letting it cure for 24 hours.'

* How/What can I do/product(s) can I use to set this brand new paint and bring the gloss back out and cure the haze from the wet-sanding!?

* How long should I wait before doing the above process, and is there a certain order or time I should follow to let each step set? (Are all sealants supposed to sit on the car for 24 hours to activate?)

THANKS SO MUCH GUYS, this one is a personal thing and since my car is one of very few things I own I'm proud of; I would really love some of the pro help you have to offer :)

Big time thanks! :buffing:

05-27-2008, 04:43 PM
Single/BC? Im assuming BC. Like theres no clear, clear is flat, feels dry, rough, dull?

David Fermani
05-27-2008, 05:40 PM
The workmanship on my car wasn't finalized

- Upon pickup, the rear quarter which was re-painted and repaired to take out rust and damage sustained on an Arizona highway at 70mph a few months ago; the entire panel was hazed, which I know is normal after paint work, but the owner expected me to 'wax and revive it after letting it cure for 24 hours.'

Sounds like a typical hack paint job? There's no reason at all that fresh paint should look "hazed" in any way. That clearly means the shop did a poor job. This haze could be from either the sanding or the compounding process. The correct product/process will be dependent on how bad/deep the hazing is. There's probably a good chance you'll need to finish where they left off with a rotary/compound/wool pad combo just to remove what they created. Can you post some pics?

Ohio Detailing
05-27-2008, 06:20 PM
I have pictures... you guys won't believe this. Upon pickup, BUBBLING ALREADY is occuring where the rust was 'fixed'!

I am refusing to pay for service, and the pictures to follow will explain - some areas do have clearcoat WagonPro - but they are orange peeled (I never knew what this term meant until today)

Usually, I am cool about everything - that's how people know me, but this entire ordeal has got me beaten down and angry. As you'll see in the pictures, my car isn't a Ferarri, but it's gorgeous and USED to have a flawless deep red depth...

05-27-2008, 06:25 PM
Aaron...it will be best to get some good pictures to see what we are dealing with....Like David said..it could be a hack job..or they did not finish or buff the paint correctly....

Fresh paint should not look hazed at all...


Ohio Detailing
05-27-2008, 06:28 PM
Pictures of the (above explained) AutoBody-Fiasco...:Picture:

THIS is how my car looked when I PICKED it up!!! The owner didn't even show any shame!!!!!

** My camera isn't the best and the sun was going down - so imagine how bad the effects are true-to-life in full light!

05-27-2008, 06:32 PM
Wow looks like a macco job at best. I would not be paying them and taking it to another shop, that is just unacceptable.

Ohio Detailing
05-27-2008, 06:43 PM
Yikes.... wow, the MORE I look at those pictures... nausia sets in the bottom of my stomach.

I can't believe what happened here... I feel like a senior prom date that's been drugged and taken advantage of...

IS THERE ANYTHING I can to, to at least HELP the hazing and swirl marks... since I don't think the bubbles and orange peel can be helped. Is anyone here from Ohio? I will give the name and number of the bodyshop, so you can AVOID THEM!!!!!

05-27-2008, 06:49 PM
Aaron my friend..that is NOT acceptable from a shop...thats one of the most shoddy work I have seen in a long time....no buffing is going to fix that....

You need to find a better shop to fix this...and Do not pay the shop you just came from....looks like they sanded it with a brick and painted it with a stick....there is more orange peel there than a crate of oranges...and the bubbles kill me....

if you paid him I would demand my money back or take small claims action....do not let them try to fix it..lol....you may end up in worse shape


05-27-2008, 06:57 PM
I'm from Ohio. Just outside Columbus... That looks a Levans Body Shop job to me. They did some work on my Civic and it looked like ####. Dirt in the paint, didn't replace the bumpers like they were quoted, etc (I marked the inside of them on a spot only I'd know about. Needless to say my initials were still there when I got it back).. That looks like they didn't even bother to try and repair the rust. Just painted over. I would've sanded that area down, reprimed, etc. It's either that, or they painted on a humid day and got water in the paint...

Ohio Detailing
05-27-2008, 07:08 PM

Ohio Detailing
05-27-2008, 07:11 PM
I'm asking around the other forums - and everyone seems to echo the same stuff, they're pissed FOR me, haha! :(

05-27-2008, 09:13 PM
So what body shop, and area of the state? The BBB and Attorney General have a nice list of shops that have had problems...

Ohio Detailing
05-30-2008, 04:40 PM
It's called JJ in Cleveland Ohio, almost right next door to the Cleveland Zoo property... let me check my phone for the exact address (I'm not even sure of the exact name of the shop - it was in the ghetto, and the only reason I dropped my car off in the first place was because it was referred to me by a 'friend' of a friend, which after the fact meant someone got a kick back)

At any rate, the address if it would pop up on google or yellow pages for you guys is: 3504 Stanford Cleveland Ohio, at intersection of State Street and Pearl Rd

... Oh, and the situation has DRASTICALLY escalated since I last posted, you wouldn't believe it!

Ohio Detailing
05-30-2008, 04:41 PM
The tech's name was Brian, and he was referred to me by Joe Butano, of Paint Perfect Inc (Home - High-end Home Service: Paint Perfect (http://www.paintperfectinc.com)) e-mail address paintperfectinc@yahoo.com. I don't know Brian's last name - he wanted it that way I'm sure.

Can someone link me to the BBB's website?