View Full Version : A good polish/glaze

05-24-2008, 06:46 PM
I really like how KAIO cleans the paint.also i like how Glare professional polish really brings the gloss back but i think i wanna try 2 find a product that can almost do both of these before i apply a sealant like duragloss so i can cut down in time.what kind of products should i look into trying?

05-24-2008, 10:35 PM
I just remembered a few days ago that DG 501 and 105 are a good combo.501 being a good cleaner and 105 a pretty good sealant that has a simular look as carnauba.my question is does either DG product stain trim?if i can avoid tapeing trim off that could save me 40 minutes easy.

05-25-2008, 08:59 AM
I think, and I could be wrong, that you might be misunderstanding the products you mentioned.

KAIO --- Chemical cleaner and some light acrylic protection

Glare --- a paint sealant, no cleaners, no polishing ability

thus you wont wanna top Glare with another sealant, but likely a carnauba if you feel something is missing like wetness, depth etc.

Several manufacturers, including Zaino, use the word polish quite loosely when in fact most offer no polishing (abrasive) abilities and really are synthetic waxes or what is more commonly known as a paint sealant.

05-25-2008, 09:25 AM
Glare --- a paint sealant, no cleaners, no polishing ability

Hmmm....well i was told to buy Glare last year because i wanted to enhance the gloss on my firebird since just front half of the car was repainted and had more gloss then the rest of the paint. And it did the trick. It made the rest of the car very glossy.It absorbed in the paint very quickly. Now that i think of it thats probably y i had issues applying the Vitero. Darn i spent an extra hour for nothing....lol o well.

05-25-2008, 11:32 AM
I just reviewed their site and comments, and marketing and can tell you they offer the product as an AIO Paint Sealant. It offers some light cleansing, filling, and protection. Sounds alot like Klasse with more filling or like Optimums Polyseal. Glassiplexin / polymers / nano-technology reads more like trying to stand out from a crowd while offering the same benefits. Actually Rejex marketing is also quite the same ...