View Full Version : Done Polishing, Any Ideas?

05-13-2008, 10:44 PM
I have polished the whole car with menzerna 106ff on a 5.5inch orange pad with a PC (worked great).

This leads me to my next question, what would you guys do on a 2007 Vista Blue Mustang? Im going to be busy the next 8 months with the police academy so my thought on a plan of attack was this:
Danase wet glaze
Duragloss 105
another coat of Duragloss 105 after cure.
Pinnacle Souveran after 1st wash

some other products i have to work with are :
Red moose glaze & Vanilla Moose glaze
Nattys Blue

I Do details every 6-8 months so i try to make her as pretty as possible every once in a while. Let me know what you guys think. And no worries, I got before and after pictures coming...shes lookin good

05-14-2008, 09:20 AM
so i guess i am pretty close to the best combo?

05-14-2008, 11:01 AM
I thought 105 has abbrasives in it so it wold remove the DWG?
I say DWG 2x and Natty's Blue to top it off

05-14-2008, 11:34 AM
I personally would reduce the amount of LSPs, they only add so much if the finish is properly polished. I would keep it simple and do DG101, DG105, Natty's or Liquid Souveran 24 hours later.

05-14-2008, 11:46 AM
I agree with budman. DWG can be put on top of 105 later down the road after a wash just to bring some shine back.

05-14-2008, 11:46 AM
I thought 105 has abbrasives in it so it wold remove the DWG?
I say DWG 2x and Natty's Blue to top it off

Maybe not abrasives, but at least cleaners. DWG then to a pure LSP.

05-14-2008, 04:18 PM
so you guys think 1 coat of 105 is enough, and then maybe a coat of pinnacle Souveran later?

05-14-2008, 09:37 PM
so you guys think 1 coat of 105 is enough, and then maybe a coat of pinnacle Souveran later?
Skip the Souveran, it will only last about 6 weeks, not 8 months.

05-14-2008, 10:48 PM
so you guys think 1 coat of 105 is enough, and then maybe a coat of pinnacle Souveran later?

Because 105 has cleaners in it, anything that comes before will be negated. Unless you are using the 101 strictly for it's cleaning ability, then I would think you should go with one or the other rather than both. As for as protection, for the above reason layering 105 isn't going to help.

Like the other post mentioned, carnuaba is only going to last so long so if you are layering for protection then maybe you are just spinning your wheels. But since you only do this every so often and probably want the best possible look then go for it, durability be damned.

A lot of reviewers seem to feel the 105 is pretty durable stuff, but I think most would still recommend that you use something like AW once a month. That's what I would do, for what it's worth.

05-15-2008, 12:13 AM
Ya, im not doing the Pinnacle souveran for durability. Im just putting a coat on to see how it looks on top of the already good looking Duragloss 105. I plan on putting a fresh coat of Souveran on it every month just for looks.
And I only use DG 101 to clean the paint for the 105 to bond to the paint better.

05-15-2008, 08:22 AM
To prep the paint and improve bonding with the 105, look at 601.

05-15-2008, 12:23 PM
I've spoken with Jerry at DG and he does not recommend applying a carnuba over the 105 as most have a small amount of abrasiveness to them and would remove a bit of it. I have put either RMG or WMF under 105 and it did not seem to diminish the amazing finish I got. I would also suggest preceeding the 105 with 601 and then after a few hours, follow it up with AW. The look will blow you away. Here's a job I recently did using WMF, 601, 105 and AW:
good luck at the academy...I got an A in beer consumption, LOL!!