View Full Version : DP Gel vs P21S Gel

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05-13-2008, 09:23 PM
I have to report after anxiously awaiting arrival of my P21S gel i am very disappointed in the performance.

DP gel wheel cleaner is every bit as good, even better at tougher brake dust than the P21S. I know alot feel P21 is a great product, and its not bad, but not worth it compared to results i've been getting from DP gel wheel cleaner.

with the DP i scrub less or not even at all and with the P21 it seems i have to do it twice to even get close to what DP does in one application.

my vote goes for DP gel wheel cleaner

05-13-2008, 09:44 PM
Dp gel is good stuff but I think the wolfgang is the best gel wheel cleaner I have ever used.

05-13-2008, 10:11 PM
dang it man! I just got P21S from big brown yesterday. Have yet to use it but oh well. My only other option is Eagle one which is pretty decent for OTC.

05-13-2008, 10:28 PM
I've not used the P21s gel wheel cleaner, but I have used the WG gel & DP gel wheel cleaners.

The WG gel is actually a gel whereas the DP gel is more of a liquid. I agree though that the WG is good stuff. DP is more economical and I have yet to dip into my 2nd 32oz. bottle.

05-14-2008, 04:50 AM
I've never used P21s but I've had a gallon of the DP cleaner and don't know why I would use anything else because it's darn good stuff! I use ARO on tougher wheels and tires.

05-14-2008, 07:57 AM
P21S is specifically made for "high end" wheels... it's probably the safest wheel cleaner on the market and to get full use out of it, you have to let it set for a minimum of 10 mins or longer, depending on how dirty the wheel is.

I use to use it all the time... but now have switched to Meg's Wheel brite for all chrome and clear coat rime, and Meg's Aluminum cleaner for what the name says

05-14-2008, 09:25 AM
I've been using P21S for neglected wheels (my own wheels usually don't require anything more than regular shampoo as they're washed often), but have been wanting to find something more economical. DP sounds like it works well but...

I notice in the description that it says to work on one wheel at a time. With the current water restrictions in place where I live I'm stuck washing at the local coin opp wash and it's not really practical to feed in the quarters after each wheel. This wasn't a problem with P21S because it could be left to dwell for long periods of time. Any recommendations for a good SAFE wheel cleaner that doesn't have to be used one wheel at a time?

05-14-2008, 10:07 AM
P21S gel is super safe wheel cleaner. DP is a very good cleaner too, but you can't leave it on like you would with P21S gel. Spray it on, and leave it on for AT LEAST 15 minutes, 30-60 minutes will be the best. Then agitate with a soft brush (OXO is the best!), and simply rinse it off.

Good luck!

Matt S.
05-14-2008, 11:39 AM
DP is definitely stronger...that wheel cleaner is made with professional detailers in mind, who do not have time to sit around and wait for the cleaners to take effect. Each one has its own place in different people's detailing arsenals!

05-14-2008, 12:35 PM
So... any suggestions for a SAFE and less expensive alternative to P21S that is at least as effective?

Matt S.
05-14-2008, 12:36 PM
If you want something less aggressive and less expensive, why not just dilute the DP? :cheers:

05-14-2008, 12:43 PM
If you want something less aggressive and less expensive, why not just dilute the DP? :cheers:

If diluted (any suggestions for ratio?), can it be left on wheels while all wheels are being agitated and then rinsed off?

05-14-2008, 01:14 PM
DP is definitely stronger...that wheel cleaner is made with professional detailers in mind, who do not have time to sit around and wait for the cleaners to take effect. Each one has its own place in different people's detailing arsenals!

i agree they both have their place, i have plenty of time to let P21S work, but even after letting it sit for an hour DP still did a better job.

Matt S.
05-14-2008, 02:00 PM
If diluted (any suggestions for ratio?), can it be left on wheels while all wheels are being agitated and then rinsed off?

I'd probably start with something like 3:1 water:DP and take it from there. At this ratio, I don't see any problems leaving it on the wheels for a couple minutes. :cheers:

05-14-2008, 04:28 PM
DP is pretty good stuff, but I hate the DP sprayers. They "stream" rather than "spray". I've found the Surf city cleaner to be very good and easy to work with, plus the sprayer is great.