View Full Version : Which car care kit to get?

05-02-2008, 07:15 PM
Hi I'm new to AG, I did my fair share of reading. Can't seem to decide which car care to get (prices doesn't matter). I want to remove swirls of all kinds when needed. I came across "Wolfgang Porter Cable 7424 Swirl-Free Kit 3.0" wanted to get some feedback from yall here. Also for rock chips what do you suggest to use? Thanks again guys :D

05-02-2008, 08:28 PM
Besides swirls of all kinds, there are other factors such as what type of cars, is it hot where you live, will you be in a garage etc...MANY people love Menzerna. I got Menzerna a couple months back. It was my first AG order along with the PC. I love it. It works great. I live in Florida where it's hot and humid so that's my problem with Menzerna. It gets finicky in the heat/humid and tends to dust a lot. It is one of the hottest polishes available today but it's likely that any of those kits will deliver the results you're seeking. Technique is 80%. Optimum is my latest kick. Can't go wrong there either. As for rock chips....search around for some pro advice. I'm just a newb

05-02-2008, 10:11 PM
I live here in S.C, The weather is pretty fair here. I'll be in a shop doing most of the detailing. Menzerna...I'll give that a try. Thanks

05-03-2008, 08:54 AM
Under the Poorboys heading their is a kit with buffer that I offer alot as easy to use and compatibility. If you choose to go piece meal then get the Flex orbital and Menzerna Polishes. Add in some Pinnacles Waxes and that would be "Scotts Kit" ...