View Full Version : Oil swollen Rubber floor

01-24-2024, 03:30 PM
I have a pickup truck that had an oil spill on the floor that sat for days. Now to rubber floor is swollen. I have removed it from the truck and am looking for a way to fix it before I buy a new floor. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions? I have access to a steam pressure washer, I just dont know if that will help or make it worse. Thank you to everyone who stops by.

Setec Astronomy
01-24-2024, 04:08 PM
I don't think there is any realistic way to fix that. If it was something volatile you might be able to bake it out, if the rubber hasn't been inherently damaged from the contact.

01-24-2024, 05:00 PM
cheaper buying a new rubber floor but if you have time on your hands, I dunno - how about making a baking slurry, spray mist it....then spray mist it .. keeping the slurry a smidge wet so it's consistent on the rubber floor , then rinse it.

bill walsh
01-24-2024, 08:11 PM
i have seen too many times when hydro brake boosters leak power steering fluid and destroy the rubber floor mats.