View Full Version : Trim coating/protection suggestions/input

08-17-2023, 01:15 PM
Looking to protect the lower black plastic trim on my 23 Acadia. I typically hit it with a ceramic drying aid, but looking for more. The vehicle has megs hybrid coating on it. So, one option is to use this on the trim, as I feel like I’ve read it can be used on trim.

other options:
303 graphene trim
meguiars ceramic trim product

I’m looking for ease of use and decent longevity.

appreciate your thoughts.

08-17-2023, 01:23 PM
Looking to protect the lower black plastic trim on my 23 Acadia. I typically hit it with a ceramic drying aid, but looking for more. The vehicle has megs hybrid coating on it. So, one option is to use this on the trim, as I feel like I’ve read it can be used on trim.

other options:
303 graphene trim
meguiars ceramic trim product

I’m looking for ease of use and decent longevity.

appreciate your thoughts.

Any of your options will work especially since your ride is new and you use a ceramic drying aid often.

08-17-2023, 06:07 PM
Cerakote has been my go-to for a while now. Lasts a long time.

03-11-2024, 02:03 PM
Wondering if you went with Cerakote? I bought some for a new 2023 car, but they say it's only for old cars, it could blotch new bumpers/trim.

Setec Astronomy
03-11-2024, 02:47 PM
What I'd like to know about these newer trim coatings, is can you coat over them later? I got bit bad years ago by GTechniq C4, where I put it on my wife's faded trim and it looked like new! For a few months until it faded back to the way it looked before, so I just put some more on...but it didn't work.

The GTechniq rep (Rob?) came on here or Autopia and told me that C4 hadn't failed or failed to last, but that I had put the original coating on too thick, and it took several months to cure (I guess today we would refer to this as a giant high spot), and it was the coating that had become opaque, and there was nothing I could do but wait for it to wear off or try to scrub it off or something.

So these "permanent" trim coatings like Cerakote, what happens over the "life" of the coating? It's not like on headlights where you can sand it off and put a fresh layer on. This is what has kept me from trying any trim coatings since then. I have something on my car I'd like to do eventually, (I think I may have put DLux on it many years ago, but that has worn off, so I'm answering my own question there, although I recall putting it on very thin), I'm thinking Solution Finish.

I realize I may be mixing apples and oranges here, as this thread was intended for new trim, while I'm talking about restoring faded trim...so sorry if I inadvertently thread-jacked.

03-13-2024, 11:05 AM
Looking for my other half for the night Verified Damsels (https://datesnow.life)