View Full Version : CQuartz UK and SIC Timing Question

06-30-2023, 06:30 AM
Preparing to do a UK 3.0 application followed by SIC.
Should I apply SIC right after the UK application even if it is 90-120 minutes? Or wait 24 hours?

My issue is the suggested time window if doing 2 UK applications is 45-60 minutes after the first (or wait 24 hours if longer than 60 minutes) and I can’t find any specific recommendations for an SIC time window after UK.

I doubt I can work that fast, e.g., applying and removing UK over the whole car in 45-60 minutes. So do you recommend going ahead and applying SIC right after UK even if it may be longer than 45-60 minutes after UK, or wait 24 hours to apply the SIC?


Bruno Soares
06-30-2023, 09:59 AM
Same time as between the UK coats. 1 hour after your last UK go ahead with SiC.

Bruno Soares
06-30-2023, 10:00 AM
BTW, I've applied SiC 4 hours after UK when I thought it was like Gliss and it worked fine as well. No ill effects like they say you can see if you take over an hour for the UK's 2nd coat.

The Guz
06-30-2023, 10:34 AM
The reality is you only need one layer of each. No need for three layers with this combination. 1 hour between layers.

06-30-2023, 04:31 PM
Thanks. So what I am really asking is if I don’t get the sic applied for 2 hours after the uk it’s ok? ie it’s not a 1 hour limit.

07-01-2023, 10:02 AM
You can apply Sic 1 hour after UK. 2 hours might still be fine but I wouldn’t recommend applying it more than 4 hours after.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-01-2023, 06:56 PM
If you want a more definitive answer, shoot CarPro US an email.

The Guz
07-01-2023, 07:45 PM
CarPro US has all the info you need. This will guide you on the time between layering UK with SiC.





07-02-2023, 11:29 AM
Thanks guys.
Decided to do 1/2 the car at a time so I could put on the 2 layers within the 1 hour time frame.
Thanks for your comments.

07-04-2023, 06:06 AM
1 layer of each, 1-2hrs apart. Usually after I'm done with UK 3, I get a water and then start on SiC. Combined they hold up well.